Ch. 2 "Saying goodbye"

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                                                  Jamie POV 

After Mommy helping me get dressed brushing my hair and teeth, I bound down the steps, and make my way into the kitchen, 

I sit next to Jonathan, 

"Get 'em while they're hot." Daddy said putting some eggs on a plate 

"Yum," I said starting to eat the food, 

"Thanks." Jonathan said  

"More juice?" Daddy asked 

"Yes, Please," I said smiling

Daddy smiled pouring more in a plastic cup

"Uh, I think I'm good. Thank you." Jonathan said  

"Little help? " Mommy said to Daddy, 

Daddy zipped up mommy's shirt on the back, 

"Your mom called while you were in the shower about a visit." Mommy said 

" Are we going to Grandma's?" Jonathan said 

 "I think we're overdue." Daddy said  

"Great. Smallville. A place where you can spend a full year in one afternoon." Jonathan said 

 "It's not that bad." Mommy said 

"It's fun there," I said smiling  

"Whoa. Is that how you're going dressed today? Somebody got the punch-me-in-the-face memo." Jonathan said To Jordan who just walked in, 

"What's a memo?" I asked tilting my head, 

Mommy smiled at me, 

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart," She said kissing my forehead, 

"Yeah, I should dress like you? Like some sort of human participation trophy?" Jordan said 

 "No, but you could watch a, like, "HowToBasic" video on style." Jonathan said 

" Enough. Both of you, go. Your ride's here." Mommy said  

"Love you guys." Mommy said hugging both of them,

 "Love you." They both said  

"Good luck today, guys." Daddy said  

"Thanks, Dad." Jonathan said  

"Yeah." Jordan said 

"Jamie why don't you go get your book bag okay," Mommy said 

I nodded jumping off the chair and rushing into the next room, 

I grab my book bag, and walked back into the kitchen, 

"You got your Epi pen?" Daddy asked, 

I dug into the pocket of the book bag and showed it to him, 

"Got it," I said smiling 

"That's my Munchkin," Daddy said picking me up, 

"Alright let's get you to school," Mommy said 

And the three of us walked out of the house, 

It was Nap time when I was woken and Mommy was pulling me out of school, saying something happened to Grandma,

So there we all stood around the grave yard as they laid grandma to rest, at least that's what Jonathan told me, 

"Faithful God, Lord of all creation, you desire that nothing redeemed by your Son will ever be lost, as we return the ashes of our sister to the earth to live with you and all your children forever and ever. Amen."

Then man said 

I stood next to Daddy as we listened, Then we had people approaching us, as they approached I kept a tight hold on my bunny, 

"Clark, I'm so sorry. She was always so kind to me. To all of us." The woman said  

"It's good to see you, Lana." Daddy said as he hugged her,  

"Same. Lois, it's great to see you. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances." Lena said 

" It's nice to see you too." Mommy said  

"You remember our boys, Jonathan and Jordan." Mommy said  

"And our Daughter Jamie," Daddy said 

"Hi." Jordan said  

"Hey." Jonathan said 

I just waved shyly 

"These are our girls. The littlest one here is Sophie." The man said  

"And, uh, well, the one with the perma-scowl over there, that's Sarah." The man said again, 

"Hi. I'm really sorry about your grandma. She was really special. Even my dad liked her, and he hates everyone, so." Sarah said 

"House full of girls. Someone's always pissed at you." The man said 

"Mommy. " Sophie said 

"Mm-hmm? That's him. Well, your daddy and I went to high school with Mr. Kent." Lena said  

"You dated him. " Sophia said 

"That's why Daddy got mad when he saw you on his Facebook page." Sophia said  

"Okay, sweets, why don't you go play?" Lena said 

"Boys keep an eye on Jamie," Daddy said 



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