Ch. 5 "Strange"

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Jamie POV

The sound of a loud car horn woke me,

I blinked a few times realizing I was laying in tall grass,

I sat up immediately looking around, I didn't notice where I was,

I was along a busy street,

I had no idea where I was,

"Mommy? Daddy?" I whispered hoping I was having a bad dream,

"Jon? Jordan?' I whispered again, holding tightly to myself since it was sunrise and I was in my pjs

I was scared, I didn't know how I got here,

I started running knowing full well people were looking,

I looked around in a panic,

Finally I came to a newspaper stand,

It took me a few tries to read the Headline

"National City.." I mumbled

How did I get here? I thought in a panic,

I ran across the busy street in a hurry, trying to figure out what the frog biscuits is going on,

Clark POV

I was making breakfast for the boys, when I hear Lois scream,

I dropped what I was doing using superman speed to rush to her,

I see her standing there in shock,

The window to Jamie's room right next to her bed was shattered and Jamie was missing,

The boys rush in behind me,

"Jamie.." Jordan said

Lois turned around in tears holding Jamie's bunny rabbit close to her,

I quickly speed out of the house my superman suit on and flew above the earth listening for her, anything,

Jamie POV

I ran down back alley's and streets in a panic, not sure how I got here and where here actually was sure I've been to this city before but with Mommy and Daddy to see aunt Kara,

But I don't know exactly where to start to go home, I thought

Tears were blurring my vision as I ran,

I crossed the street in a hurry,

Only to hear squealing of car tires, which resulted in me to scream, and cover my eyes with the palms of my hands,

I waited for the pain, but nothing,

I slowly lower my hands, and I see Fluffy clouds,

And I see who has me,

"Aunt Kara?" I whispered,

"Shh, Jamie I got you," She said

Suddenly we were in her apartment, as she used the window, she sat me on the couch as she got dressed,

"Jamie, what happen where's your daddy?" She said coming back out in a different outfit,

I started talking really fast how all I remember is going to bed, after daddy tucked me in then waking up along side of the road,

"Whoa, Whoa, slow down," She said kneeling in front of me,

"Take a deep breath," She said

I did as I was told,

"Now exhale," She said

I did as I was told, I remember daddy and Mommy always telling Jordan to do that, to calm down,

"Good," She said smiling,

"How about we get you changed and I call Your daddy I'm sure he's beyond worried," She said picking me up,

I nodded as I sniffled

After Aunt Kara got me cleaned up and dressed,

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After Aunt Kara got me cleaned up and dressed,

Aunt Alex and Her boss J'onn were distracting me,

He was showing me his powers, they were cool,

He shifted into Me,

I clapped as I sat on Alex's knee,

"Again, Again," I said as I giggled

Suddenly I hear rushing footsteps, and I see Daddy,

I jumped off of Aunt Alex's lap and ran,

"Daddy," I said

"Oh thank god," Daddy said getting to his knees as I wrapped my arms around his neck, Daddy wrapped his arms around me with his hand on the back of my head,

We parted daddy had his hands on my shoulders lightly,

"Are you hurt?" He asked in a worried tone,

"No I'm okay," I said

He let out a breath of relief and hugged me again,

"Thank you guys," Daddy said

"No problem at all," Aunt Kara said

"But Clark can we talk for a minute," She said

Me and daddy parted,

"Jamie why don't you wait for me in the living room okay," He said I nodded

I walked back in the living room wondering what had happen I hope nothing bad I thought

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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