Ch. 4 "Secret"

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                                        Jamie POV 

Me Jon and Jordan were in the barn the next day, while Daddy and Mommy went out, I was holding Jon's hand while I held my bunny in the other, 

"You really think Dad's hiding something from us?" Jon said as we walked 

 "We had all those poles land on us. Besides, how did he get them up off of us so fast, anyway?" Jordan said  

"I don't know. Adrenaline, maybe? Like a soccer mom lifting a car kind of thing." Jon said  

"Dad can't put up a Christmas tree without falling off the ladder. And what's the thing he says every single time we come here?" Jordan said 

 "Don't put your finger in that"? I don't know. " Jon said 

"Stay out of the barn", dumbass. " Jordan said 

"Ooh you said a naughty word," I said 

"Shh," Jordan said smiling at me,

"Jordan, what are we looking for, anyways?" Jon said  

"Just something unusual. Something out of place." Jordan said 

( Wood creaks )

 "What?" Jon said  

"You hear that?" Jordan said 

Bouncing his foot on the floor, 

( Wood thumping ) 

"The poles, they must have shifted the floor. " Jon said 

"I think it's a door. Look. Right there. " Jordan said 

Jordan broke the lock with a crowbar,

"Three, two, one." They both said  and lifted the door, 

"Get the flashlight." Jordan said 

Jon let go of my hand

" Yeah." Jon said 

He got two flashlights, Jordan went down the stairs first, 

"Jamie stay close," Jon said taking my hand helping me down the steps, 

 "What are you doing? This is literally just an old cellar. It's probably Grandpa's old tool storage or something. " Jon said moving the flashlight around, 

"Jon?" Jordan called we followed his voice and see a tarp covering something, 

They both remove the tarp, 

What the frack is that? I thought 

"What is that thing? What are you doing? Do not touch that!" Jon said 

Jordan touches it and withdraws fast, 

 ( Pod hums )

 "Oh, my God. Did you see that? Did you see that? What the hell was that? No. No, no, no. What was that? Jordan, what was that?" Jon said 

 ( Pod humming )

Jordan slowly starts to put his hand toward it,

 "Jordan, what are you..." Jon said 

A hole forms and some sort of gem comes out of the hole,  

"What the hell is that thing?" Jon said 

 "Whatever it is... It's not from Kansas." Jordan said 

"So that's why? Why you never wanted us in the barn? 'Cause you keep a freakin' alien ship in there? " Jordan said as he stormed towards daddy and mommy with me and Jon not far behind, 

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