The Harem (Small)

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The characters below will be the only ones in the immediate harem and since I ain't about that slow burn life, it's gonna happen quickly but still with proper events and stuff to back it up. I can probably add one more person but it's gonna have to happen later in the story. If you have an idea of someone to add then leave a comment. Anyways, let's get to the harem.

Oh, and I own none of the following pictures.




Ophis (Ouroboros Dragon)

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Ophis (Ouroboros Dragon)

-Main Girl-

She's always just been an interesting character to me that I wish got written about more in fanfics and included in stuff so here she is. Needless to say, she will be pretty different in how she talks as the story progresses otherwise she would be a little dry in terms of dialogue and expressing emotion when needed.

Likes: Lilith, The Dimensional Gap, Donuts

Dislikes: Anyone who has bad intentions towards Lilith, Raynare, or Koneko.

Personality: She starts off with a rather blunt and to-the-point attitude but starts to gain emotion after meeting Lilith for the first time. The best words to describe her would be protective, possessive (to an extent), and loving.

 The best words to describe her would be protective, possessive (to an extent), and loving

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Raynare (Fallen Angel)

-Second Girl-

I want her as part of the harem since she was such an in-and-out wasted potential of a character in canon, and similar to Ophis, I just want her to be more involved in the story as a whole. Same as Ophis though, her emotions and attitude are quite different from canon Raynare, along with her having a different set of events happen to her prior to being introduced into the story that shapes her into a more 'innocent' and vulnerable character.

This is a controversial one for some people but I honestly don't give a singular fuck. If you don't like her then don't read this story. Just know that she will be different if you do read.

Likes: Lilith, Flying, Kisses, Being protected

Dislikes: Her old friends, Perverts.

Personality: Started out as a more gullible and innocent character from the get-go that got used by her friends and then left to die. She finds Lilith who lets her hide in her house and promises to protect her. The best words to describe her would be clingy, touchy, and aggressive when need be.

 The best words to describe her would be clingy, touchy, and aggressive when need be

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Koneko (Nekoshou)

-Third Girl-

I was originally only going to have Ophis and Raynare be with Lilith but as I started to write the story, the opportunity to bring in someone else came up so I chose her to fill that spot. As for why I want her in the Harem, the way the story is going so far just made it make the most sense for Koneko out of everyone to join the harem.

Youll get what I'm saying later

Likes: Lilith?, Chocolate, Sweets, Being held

Dislikes: Perverts and a dislike of devils that she keeps under wraps after what happened with her sister.

Personality: Similiar to Ophis in terms of demeanor but is capable of expressing the full range of emotions. The best words to describe her would be compassionate, kind, slightly clingy, and feisty when need be.

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