The Beast Within/Ch.16.5

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{Prompt Below}

Seeing no other option in her fight with Great Red, Lilith decides to release her true form and just hope that her will was strong enough to come back before doing irreversible harm. Meanwhile, Ophis, having sensed her Mates distress, appeared in the Dimensional Gap and bore witness to the terrifying form Lilith had taken. How will Ophis and those close to Lilith bring her back to her senses?

-=Dimensional Gap=-


As a small rift opens up in the vast dimensional space, several figures step out with worry plastered on their faces in anticipation of what they may find. Immediately upon entering, they catch sight of the massive crimson dragon Great Red soaring toward them; said dragon locks eyes with the group but only acknowledges Ophis.

"WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUR MATE!?" Great Red screamed before turning around and sending an absolutely colossal beam of crackling deadly energy back the way he came. It soared at impossible speeds, evaporating anything in its way before impacting a massive floating rock. The resulting explosion caused tremors to literally shake the world around them while a shower of rock begins shooting in every direction.


A high-pitched screech sounds from the sight of the explosion, garnering all eyes in confusion besides Great Red. Then, out from the remnants of the smoke and debris came soaring what the new arrivals could only describe as a monster. It was huge, not anywhere near the size of Great Red himself but still as large as a beast like Fenrir. The aura that this thing is giving off as well is enough to make Kuroka drop on the spot, just barely being caught by Koneko and Ray who are both barely still standing.

The only one not negatively affected to such a degree is Ophis, who can only stare in disbelief and worry at the sight in front of her. This thing had such a malicious and all-consuming aura that even she felt it in the very depths of her being. Despite the dark aura, Ophis could still see beyond it and recognize something that honestly alarmed her.

It was Lilith

No doubt was in the dragon's mind as she made this conclusion, after all, she could feel Lilith buried deep within the beast. It was her mate physically in flesh and blood, but all the emotions and feelings Lilith harbored for Ophis and the others are locked away behind this beastly mask.

She had to get her mate back

"Stay out of this," Ophis says to the girls behind her, the three only being able to nod in response at the immense pressure enveloping them.

With the confirmation, Ophis flies up next to Great Red to figure out what exactly he did to cause her mate to be this way.

"Why is Lilith like this Baka-Red?" Ophis asked dangerously, sparing said dragon a glance but keeping her gaze on Lilith's approach.

"I don't know Ophis! We were fighting for a bit before I called her out for not taking me seriously. After that, she got more serious before eventually turning into THAT!" Great Red yells before roaring, sending another massive blast that impacts Lilith directly this time. Despite Great Red's enormous strength, Lilith is not stopped and any injuries she may have gotten are already healed seconds later.

"Stupid dragon...."


"Lilith mentioned this to me once......this form is untamed and dangerous. She has no control over anything right now," Ophis states, the news itself being quite grim but she's not finished yet. "I need to reach her."

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