Helping The Neko/Ch.4

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{Prompt Below}

Rias has made a plan to get Lilith on her side that is undoubtedly un-moral in nature. She wants to go after a seemingly powerless 'Sofie' as a way to force Lilith to listen to her since they seem close. She manages to get everyone in her peerage on her side except one who sees how truly awful and stupid of an idea this is.


-=Orc Clubroom=-

Koneko POV

I didn't believe I could be any more afraid of Lilith after what I experienced with her all-consuming aura; then Sirzechs read that journal to us. The things written in that journal implied that Lilith had the capabilities to destroy entire planets, stars, hell, even entire galaxies on her own. That 'terrifying' aura that I sensed from her in the club room must have only been the tip of the iceberg in the true scope of her strength.

What's worse is that Rias doesn't want to give up and has come up with an absolutely awful plan to get Lilith on her side. She wants to basically abduct Lilith's friend 'Sofie' since they seem really close and then threaten her to get Lilith to do what she wants, aka join her peerage.

It's stupid

It is so utterly stupid that it is going to result in all of our deaths.

Unfortunately for me, Rias is already set on it and has the support of everyone.....well, everyone except me of course. It may have been selfish after she 'saved me' but my loyalty to her as my master didn't come first in my priorities. The thing that comes first in my overall goals is my desire to reunite with the only family I have left.

If I'm lead to my grave now in this pointless endeavor to control an uncontrollable force, then I'll never be able to reunite with her.

I knew instantly what I had to do. It wouldn't be easy but If I ever want to see my sister again I would have to do it. I'd be labeling myself as a traitor, maybe even as a stray devil if Rias was mad enough.

I glance nervously at the journal that was now just resting on the table while everyone else's focus was on Rias. I began to reach towards it slowly as I went over in my head what the plan was.

'Just gotta grab the journal, find Lilith, explain what's happening, and hopefully get help finding my sister in exchange.'

Those thoughts went on repeat in my head for a few seconds longer before the journal was now firmly held in my arms and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Now for the hard part

I stand up discreetly and after one last confirmation that everyone else is still distracted, I start walking over to the door and begin slowly opening it. I had it halfway open and was about to slip through when a hand landed softly on my shoulder and a voice that I knew belonged to Rias spoke.

"Where are you going Koneko?" She asked with a firm tone.

I flinched heavily at the touch on my shoulder and the tone of her voice, before I then spun around and did something that I thought I would never do to Rias or anyone in the peerage for that matter.

My left hand still held the journal tightly but my right hand was currently drilled straight into Rias's gut with my full strength behind it. Time seemed to slow as I saw the look of complete shock on her face before the force of my punch caught up with her and she was sent flying back into the opposite wall of the clubroom.

Everyone in the club was staring at me with various looks of shock and confusion but no one was moving so I took the chance to slam the door behind me and start running out of the clubhouse. I was running way faster than I usually do and luckily already made it off the school grounds before I felt a presence leave the clubhouse.

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