Chapter one

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Jung-Hoseok a dance instructor who worked with his fellow instructor and friend Park Jimin at a dance school has always wanted a hybrid,he admired the relationships his friends Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin had with their hybrids. Seokjin has a wolf hybrid named Kim Namjoon,he is a kind,funny,and intelligent male and got along well with Hoseok.Jimin had two hybrids,one was a tiger and the other was a bunny.The tiger hybrids name is Kim Taehyung and the bunnys name was Jeon Jungkook,the two were very adorable boys.They got along well with everyone,they both are very strong,kind,and funny.They were both a bit shy when they first met Hoseok but they started to warm up to him quickly.Hoseok sighed wishing he had a hybrid so he wouldnt be alone anymore,he hummed a bit as he began to clean up the dance studio with the help of Jimin.Once they finished they both grabbed their things and said goodbye before parting ways.Hoseok sighed a little as he opened his umbrella to shelter him from the rain as he walked,he quietly walked down his normal path home.He didnt notice anything out of the ordinary till he heard a noise that caught his attention,it freaked him out a bit but he pushed his fear away and went to investigate the noise.He walked down the empty alley way and saw a figure,he noticed its ears and tail and realized it was a hybrid.He frowned when he saw how soaked he was and how he shivered due to the cold,why would a hybrid be out alone in weather like this he thought.He walked up to the figure slowly.The hybrid looked at Hoseok and hissed softly,Hoseok flinched at the hiss but carefully walked closer to the hybrid"Hey its okay,im not going to hurt you.I just want to help you alright.Why dont you come stay with me,you can take a nice warm bath,put on some warm dry clothes and eat a nice warm meal."He softly spoke as he held his hand out to the hybrid and warmly smiled.The hybrid looked at Hoseok unsure if he should trust him or not,but he needed shelter and decided to take his offer.He hesitantly grabbed Hoseoks hand.Hoseok brightly smiled and gently pulled him under his umbrella,he led him out of the alley way to his house.He hummed once they arrived,he unlocked the door and opend it letting the hybrid enter before him.The hybrid slowly walked inside taking in his surroundings.Hoseok closed his umbrella and walked inside,he set the umbrella to the side and took off his shoes.He shut and locked the door behind him,He hummed when he saw the hybrid exploring,he walked to the stairs and motioned for the hyrbrid to follow him before he walked upstairs to his bedroom.The hybrid followed behind him glancing around as he walked.Hoseok walked into his room and set his things on the bed,he walked to his dresser and took out a clean pair of boxers,some black sweats,and grabbed a warm black sweater from his closet.He grabbed a clean towel and walked into the restroom,he set everything on top of the toilet seat and filled the bathtub with warm water.Once it was filled he turned off the faucet and called the hyrbid over"Alright do you need any help bathing?"He softly asked.The hybrid looked at the male and shaked his head.Hoseok nodded"Alright,i will be downstairs preparing some food for us.Oh dear once your bath i will take care of your wounds."He softly spoke when he saw the cuts and bruises the hybrid had on him.The hybrid nodded quietly.Hoseok smiled and left the bathroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen,He hummed as he began to prepare a nice beef stew.The hybrid looked at the clothes Hoseok got him and hummed,he began to take his wet clothes off and set them down.He got into the bath and relaxed his body in the warmth,he smiled a bit as he took in the warmth of the water.He then began to wash his hair and body,he hissed softly at the sting of his wounds.Once he was done he got out of the tub and drained the water out of it,he grabbed the towel and dried himself off.He purred a bit liking the softness of the towel,once he was dry he put on the clothes and went downstairs.His tail swated a bit as he sniffed the air humming at the delicious scent of the food,he walked into the kitchen and saw Hoseok setting the two bowls of stew on the table.Hoseok looked at the hybrid and smiled"I hope you like the stew i prepared."He softly spoke.The hybrid walked over to the table and sat down,Hoseok gave him silverware and a water bottle before he sat down.The hyrbid picked up his spoon and began eating the stew,he hummed at the taste and swayed his tail happly.Hoseok warmly smiled and began eating,once they finished Hoseok stood up and washed the dishes.He dried them and put them away before he quickly went to grab his med kit,he had the hybrid face him and he began taking care of the wounds.The hybrid hissed softly due to the sting and flattened his ears.Once Hoseok was done he threw away the things he used and closed the med kit,he looked at the hybrid"Alright what is your name?"He softly asked.The hybrid looked at Hoseok"M-My name is Min Yoongi..."he softly spoke."Well its nice to meet you Yoongi,my name is Jung-Hoseok but you can just call me Hoseok or Hobi."He softly spoke as he kindly smiled.Yoongi's ears perked up and he nodded."Now how old are you Yoongi."Yoongi swayed his tail"Im twenty seven."He softly spoke.Hoseok hummed"Oh your the same age as my friend,well I wont ask you why you were out alone in the rain tonight but i would like you to tell me when your ready and im pretty sure your exhausted right now."He softly spoke.Yoongi nodded"Oh cool.Alright...yeah im pretty tired."He softly spoke.Hoseok nodded"Alright well you are going to sleep in my room,i will sleep on the couch."He softly spoke.Yoongi blinked a few times"Are you sure?I dont mind sleeping on the couch."He softly spoke.Hoseok shook his head"Of course im sure,no i'd rather you to be comfortable."He softly spoke.Yoongi nodded"Okay."He softly spoke.He stood up and Hoseok led him back to his room.Hoseok grabbed the wet towel and clothes from the bathroom and put them in the laundry basket,he hummed as he grabbed an extra blanket for himself and for Yoongi.Hoseok moved his things off the bed and placed them on the ground.Yoongi quietly hummed as he got on the bed and went under the blankets.He laid down and hoseok covered him with the blankets.Hosek grabbed his pajamas and held them with his blanket,he was about to walk out of the room but Yoongi stopped him."Hey Hoseok...thank you for all you've done for me tonight."He softly spoke.Hoseok smiled"Your welcome Yoongi.Good night."He softly spoke.He turned off the light and closed the door a bit after he walked out of the room.Yoongi smiled a bit"Good night."He softly spoke.He got comfortable and nuzzled the pillows a bit,he hummed smelling Hoseoks scent.He actually found hos scent quite cakming,he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.Hoseok hummed as he fixed the pillows one the couch and changed into his pajamas,he laid on the couch and covered himself.He hummed as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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