Chapter three

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Once everyone finished their cake they all got ready to leave,they all got into their designated cars and left to the mall.They all gathered together as a group once they arrived to the mall,Jungkook immediately held Yoongis hand and smiled.Yoongi held Jungkooks hand and smiled a little back to him.Hoseok cooed at the two and smiled.Seokjin held Namjoons hand and smiled"Alright everyone follow me."He softly spoke before he began walkimg to one of the stores they liked.Everyone nodded and followed behind him,Yoongi swayed his tail and glanced around as they walked.They all began looking around the store together.Hoseok looked at some clothes for Yoongi and picked out a few for him to choose from.Yoongi slayed with Jungkook and walked around with him for a bit.Hoseok hummed as he looked at the clothes,eventually a man came over to him and started talking to him.Yoongi looked over at Hoseok and saw a male talking to him,the male was obviously flirting with Hoseok and for some reason that displeased him.He let go of Jungkooks hand and walked over to Hoseok"Hobi-ah can you help me pick a hoodie?"he softly asked as he held onto the sleeve of his jacket gently.Hoseok looked at Yoongi and nodded"Of course!Ah it was nice meeting you."He softly spoke before bowing and walked away with Yoongi.Yoongi looked back at the male and flattened his ears back as he glared at him.The male looked at Yoongi and quickly walked away.Hoseok hummed"Okay so which hoodie is it that you wanted me to help you choose from."He softly asked.Yoongis ears perked back up and he looked at Hoseok,he grabbed a grey hoodie and a black hoodie"It was these two."He softly spoke.Hoseok nods"Hm i think the black one would suit you well."He softly spoke.Yoongi nodded and put the grew one back.Hoseok showed Yoongi the clothes he picke out for him and had him pick out the ones he liked,once he picke out the ones he liked he put away the ones he didnt want.They then went to the cashier and paid for everything,they went to a few other stores and got clothes,shoes,and some other things.Seokjin hummed"Ah we did a lot of shopping today.Im hungry now lets go to my house and eat."He softly spoke.The others all nodded,they all went to their cars and put their bags in the trunk.They got into their cars and headed to the house.Yoongi looked at Hoseok"Thank you for getting me some clothes and shoes today."he softly spoke.Hoseok glanced at Yoongi and smiled brightly"Your welcome~"He softly spoke.Soon they arived to the house they parked their cars and went inside,the hybrids sat down at the kitchen island while Seokjin,Hoseok,and Jimin took off their coats and grabbed the ingredients they needed and began cooking.They all talked while they cooked and the hybrids all watched as they talked to one another.Yoongi swayed his tail as he watched the three in interest.The three decided on making a beef stew but of course for Jungkook they made him a stew with vegetables.Once the stews were ready they poured them into bowls.Seokjin set the bowls down on the table,while Jimin poured some water into some glasses and set them on the table.Hoseok smiled as he got all the hybrids to sit at the table,the three then sat down at the table and began eating.Yoongi hummed in delight at the taste of the stew"Mmm hyung this is really good."He softly spoke.Seokjin smiled"Thank you~Im glad you like it."He softly spoke.Yoongi smiled and nodded before he continued to eat.Everyone all ate their food happily and talked with one another,they all eventually agreed to stay the night at Seokjins omce they finished eating.Hoseok and Seokjin washed the dishes while Jimin brought the hyrbids to their rooms and let them all change into the pajamas Seokjin had provided for quests.Once Hoseok and Seokjin finished washing the dishes they went upstairs and changed before joining the hybrids in their designated rooms.Seokjin and Namjoon of course stayed in there room,Jimin,Jungkook,and Taehyung all shared a room,and Hoseok and Yoongi all shared a room.They all said goodnight to one another and laid down,Jungkook and Taehyung immediatly fell asleep and Jimin smiled as the two hugged him.He kissed their foreaheads gently and whispered a soft goodnight to them before going to sleep.Seokjin fell asleep but Namjoon stayed awake for a bit longer to finish reading a book he liked.Yoongi and Hoseok were awake as well,they laid in their shared bed quietly as they faced away from one another.Yoongi laid on his side quietly for a bit before letting out a quiet sigh and faced Hoseok"Hey Hobi is it okay if i hug you?"He softly asked.Hoseok faced Yoongi and nodded"Of course its okay,if you want to hug me or anything you dont have to ask."He softly spoke as he smiled.Yoongi nodded and moved towards Hoseok and hugged him gently,Hoseok smiled and hugged Yoongi back.He gently ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair earning a soft purr,Yoongi breathed in Hoseoks scent and smiled softly when he felt him run his fingers through his hair.He yawned and slowly drifted off to sleep,Hoseok peaked at Yoongi and saw him asleep.He cooed and whispered a soft goodnight to him before closing his eyes and falling asleep as well.

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