Chapter four

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Hoseok still held Yoongi comfortably in his arms as they slept.Jin was the first awake and he decided to check on the others to make sure they were alright,he checked on Jimin,Taehyung,and Jungkook first.He smiled when he saw how the three all were cuddling one another.He then check on Hoseok and Yoongi,he carefully and quietly opened the door and peaked into the bedroom.He saw the two hugging one another,he held back a squeal due to the cute sight but he took a photo of the two before he closed the door and walked to the kitchen and began cooking.
Once Jin finished preparing breakfast he set all the plates of food on the table and had glasses of water ready as well.He then went upstairs and began waking everyone up and had them go downstairs to eat.Namjoon,Jungkook,and Taehyung all sat at the table.Jin carefully woke up Yoongi.Yoongi groaned a little when Jin woke him up,he yawned and rubbed his eyes and saw that Hoseok was still asleep.He was about to wake him up but Jin stopped him"Dont wake him up yet...let him sleep in for a little longer..."He softly spoke.Yoongi nodded and carefully got out of Hoseoks hold.He followed Jin downstairs and sat down at the table with the others,he saw that Jimin wasnt sitting with them and furrowed his brows a bit"Why isnt Jimin here?"he asked curiously."Oh Jimin is sleeping still,i wanted him and Hoseok to sleep in for a bit longer...they really needed it because they have been working themselves very hard lately and i could tell they werent getting much rest."He softly spoke.Yoongi nods"Oh i see..."he softly."I have noticed that they really have been pushing themselves past their limits...i just hope they dont push thdmselves too hard."He spoke as his ears flattened a bit."Its our job as friends to make sure they dont do that."Jungkook spoke.Taehyung nods in agreement"Yeah its our duty to help and watch over one another."He softly spoke.Jin smiled"Alright its settled we will all keep an eye on the two.Now lets eat before the food gets cold."He softly spoke.Eveyone all nodded and began eating.Yoongi couldnt help but wonder why the two were working so hard and he wondered what exactly they were doing.
Soon Jimin and Hoseok woke up,they tiredly got out of bed and headed downstairs.Everyone greated them with a smile.The two males put on a smile and sat down,they both began eating.The two obviously seemed to still be tired."Why dont to two go back to sleep once your done eating."Seokjin softly spoke."Ah no hyung were fine."Jimin softly spoke."Yeah were fine."Hoseok softly spoke.Jin silently sighed"Alright."He softly spoke.Once everyone finished eating Seokjin and Namjoon cleaned up,once they were done everyone went into the living room to relax and watch a movie together.They all sat on the seperate couches and silently watched the movie.Jimin eventually ended up falling asleep with his head on one of his hybrids shoulder,and Hoseok fell asleep as he rested against the arm rest.Jungkook carefully picked up Jimin and brought him back to the room they slept in,the two laid in the bed with Jimin and cuddled him while he slept.Jin had Namjoon carefully pick up Hoseok and bring him to the room he and Yoongi were sharing."Aish i told those two to go to bed after they ate."Seokjin spoke with a sigh.Yoongi watched Namjoon quietly then looked at Seokjin"What exactly does Jimin and Hoseok do?"He softly asked.Jin looked st Yoongi"Oh well Hoseok and Jimin are both instructors at a dance school."he softly spoke."Oh really?!"Yoongi spoke in a surprised tone.Jin nods"Yeah,but i would thought Hoseok would have told you that though.."he softly spoke.Namjoon came back downstairs"Alright Hoseok is sleeping comfortably in his bed."He softly spoke.Jin nods and kisses Namjoons cheek"Alright thank you for bringing him to his room.Yoongi why dont you go back to the room and get some rest."He softly spoke.Yoongi nods and went upstairs,he walked into the room and closed the door behind him carefully.He went over to the bed and laid down next to Hoseok,he covered himself then looked at Hoseok"A dance instructor huh?Aish no wonder why you and Jimin are exhausted..."He mumbled.He sighed as he admired Hoseoks features,he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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