Chapter two

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Hoseok awoke to the sun shining through the curtains,he groaned and rubbed his eyes tiredly.He sat up and yawned,he got up and stetched.He walked into the kitchen and began making breakfast,he made some pancakes,eggs,bacon,and some coffe.He set all the food on the table and went upstairs to wake up Yoongi.He smiled when he saw the cat hybrid sleeping peacefully,he gently shaked him"Yoongi-ah wake up,i made breakfast."he softly spoke.The cat hybrid groaned and began to wake up,he rubbed his eyes and looked at Hoseok"Good morning."He softly spoke."Good morning."Hoseok softly spoke and gently ruffled Yoongis hair.He hummed as he walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen.Yoongi got up and stretched,he walked downstairs to the kitchen tiredly and hummed when he saw the food Hoseok prepared.Hoseok sat down at th table and Yoongi did the same.They began to eat"How did you sleep Yoongi?"Hoseok softly spoke.Yoongi looked at Hoseok"I slept great,what about you Hoseok."He softly spoke."Ah thats good to hear,i slept pretty good."He spoke as he warmly smiled.He heard his phone go off and saw that Jimin texted him"Oh Yoongi would you like to meet my friends and there hybrids?"He softly asked.Yoongi though for a moment"Sure."He softly spoke.Hoseok nodded and told Jimin he will be brining someone with him,he turned his phone off and comtinued eating.Once he was done he got up and washed his and Yoongi's dishes,He walked to his room with Yoongi and changed.Yoongi wore a sweater and jeans,Hoseok wore a longsleeve shirt with a jacket and jeans.He grabbed what he needed and headed downstairs,he and Yoongi put on their shoes and walked out of the house.Hoseok locked the door and began walking to Jimins place since it wasnt too far from where he lived.Yoongi stayed close to Hoseok as he walked and glanced around.Once they arrived Hoseok knocked on the door,he saw the door open and was greeted by a cute smiling bunny hybrid"Hobi-Hyung!!~"Jungkook excitedly spoke as he hugged Hoseok.Hoseok smiled brightly and hugged Jungkook back"Hello Jungkookie~"He softly spoke.Jungkook's ear twitched a little when he noticed the cat hybrids scent,he pulled away and let the two come inside.Jungkook stood next to Taehyung and held his hand.Jimin and Jin greeted Hoseok and noticed the cat hybrid"Oh who is this Hoseok?"Jin softly spoke.Hoseok greeted the two back"This is Yoongi,i took him in last night during the rain storm."he softly spoke.The two males nodded"Nice to meet you Yoongi,my name is Jimin this Jin,the bunny hybrid is Jungkook,the tiger hybrid is Taehyung,and the wolf hybrid is Namjoon."Jimin softly spoke.Yoongi swayed his tail as he looked at everyone,he bowed"Its nice to meet you all."He softly spoke."Well make yourself at home,i will get you two some water."Jimin softly spoke.Yoongi nodded and sat down on the couch.Hoseok went up to the three hybrids and hugged them all,he talked to them with a warm smile.Yoongi watched him quietly and couldnt help but feel a bit jealous.Jimin gave Yoongi a cup of water and he gave one to Hoseok,the two thanked him softly.Hoseok hummed as he sat down next to Yoongi and sipped his water.They all began talking and Yoongi slowly began to get along with the others,he got along with Namjoon and Jin a bit quicker than he did with the maknaes.But he was a bit happy that everyone liked him,he also remained by Hoseoks side the whole time."So Yoongi are you going to be hyungs hybrid?"Taehyung asked loud enough for Yoongi to hear.Yoongi shrugged"Ah i dont know..."He softly spoke.Jungkook wiggled his tail a little"You should!Hobi-hyung has wsnted a hybrid for a long time.He is also very nice and will take good care of you!He is also very kind and loving."He softly spoke.Yoongi smiled a bit"Well he is indeed very kind.Ah well i will think about it and see alright."He softly spoke as he gently ruffled the two younger hybrids hair.They both smiled and nodded"Okay."they softly spoke.Yoongi pulled his hands away and rested them on his lap,he swayed his tail a bit as he wondered if he really should become Hoseoks hybrid.He wasnt sure if he fully trusts Hoseok yet,to tell the truth he was a bit afraid to become his hybrid.He wasnt exactly treated the best way by humans through out his life.Hoseok walked back into the living room and handed all the hybrids slices of strawberry cake,they all thanked him and smiled.Hoseok warmly smiled and sat down next to Yoongi"Once your all done eating were going to go clothing shopping."He softly spoke.The two younger hybrids smiled excitedly"Yay!"They softly spoke.Hoseok cooed at the two and smiled.Yoongi looked at Hoseok and smiled a bit as he admired him,he looked away and began eating his dessert.

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