Chapter 5

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Hoseok woke up and looked to his side to see Yoongi sleeping,he smiled softly at the sight.He carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower"Ah this feels great."he thought to himself as he took his warm shower.Once he finished his shower he got out and dried his body and hair off,he changed into his clothes and put the towel to the side to dry.He brushed his hair and walked out of the bathroom and looked at Yoongi and saw that he was waking up."Hey Yoongi~I hope you rested well."He softly spoke.Yoongi rubbed his eyes and yawned softly before looking at Hoseok"Hi Hoseok.I slept pretty well."He soflty spoke.Hoseok smiled"Thats good to hear!Now its time for dinner,once we eat dinner we have to head back home because i have work tomorrow."He softly spoke.Yoongi nods"Oh alright."He soflty spoke.He got out of bed and followed Hoseok downstairs to the dining room,the two saw the others sitting at the table.They sat down at the table a well and began eating dinner once it was ready,the two talked with thHoe others while they ate."Aish you two really should take a break from work and get some rest."Seokjin spoke to Jimin and Hoseok."Ah Jin you know we cant do that...we cant just do that to our students all of a sudden."Hoseok softly spoke.Jin sighed"Aish you just so stubborn...i get it but you two are going to end up overworking yourselves."He softly spoke."We will be fine Jin."Jimin softly spoke.Jin just sighed and continued eating.Once everyone finished eating Namjoon and Jin washed the dishes,once the two were done everyone said goodbye to eachother.Jimin and Hoseok got into their cars and headed home,once Yoongi and Hoseok got home they went upstairs to Hoseoks shaired room and put everything they brought with them away."Hm im going to have to wash all these new clothes we got tomorrow."He thought to himself."Hey Hoseok can we watch a movie?"He softly asked.Hoseok nods"Of course we can!"He softly spoke as he sat on the bed.He grabbed his tv remote and turned on the tv,he picked one of the movies he liked and put it on.The two got comfortable and quietly watched the movie together.The two soon ended up falling asleep while watching the movie.
Once it was morning Yoongi was woken up to the sounds of pots and pans being moved around,he sat up and stretched as he yawned.He rubbed his eyes and headed downstairs,he hummed when he saw Hoseok making breakfast"Good morning Yoongi."Hoseok spoke with a warm smile."Morning Hoseok."Yoongi softly spoke as he sat at the table.Hoseok put the food he finished cooking onto two different plates,he set the plates on the table and sat down.The two began eating"So Yoongi since i have work today i wanted to know if you would like to come with me and sit and watch my class."He softly asked.Yoongi looked at Hoseok and nodded"Sure,im actually quite curious to see what exactly you teach your students."he softly spoke.Hoseok nods"Yay!I think your gonna like what  do."He softly spoke.Yoongi chuckled a little and continued eating.Once the two finished eating Hoseok washed the dishes and the two went upstairs and changed,once they were ready thet left the house and headed to the dance school Hoseok worked at.They walked into the class room and Yoongi greeted Jimin before sitting off to the side,he hummed when he saw Hoseok and Jimins students come into the room.He stayed quiet as he watched them all,his ears twitched a little when Jimin began playing music and everyone began dancing along to it.Soon the class was finally over and everyone was heading home,Hoseok went over to Yoongi panting softly as he was sweating"So what did you think?"He softly asked."It was quite and your students seemed to be having a lot of fun."He softly spoke as he stood up.Hoseok smiled"Im glad you enjoyed it.Dancing is so fun,you should let me teach you a few moves."He softly spoke.Yoongi chuckled a bit"Hm sure,i dont mind learning a few moves."He softly spoke.Hoseok smiled"Great!Now lets go get something to eat and head home."He soflty spoke.He grabbed his  things and began walking out of tge building,he stopped by a nearby resturant and got some food before heading home.Once the two got home they began eating,once they finished eating Yoongi changed into his pajamas and laid on the bed.He waited for Hoseok since he was taking a shower,once Hoseok was done with his shower and dried off he changed into some comfortable clothes and walked into the bedroom.He put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket then laid in the bed with a soft sigh,he couldnt deny that he felt exhausted right now.Yoongi of course noticed how echausted Hoseok looked"Hey lets go to sure your tired."he softly spoke.Hoseok nodded and put on a smile"Alright,goodnight Yoongi."He softly spoke as he covered himself and got comfortable.Yoongi covered himself as well"Goodnight Hoseok."He softly spoke.He turned off the light in the room and got comfortable,he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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