Chapter 10: The Fighting Continues.

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You pull away from Takumi and see Soma standing infront of you after hearing him say your name. "Soma! I'm so sorry you had to see me do that!" You say to the redhead.

"It's okay (y/n)... I'm not mad at all." Soma says with a smile while his head is down.

"Soma?" Takumi says with a concerned face.

"Takumi Aldini... I CHALLENGE YOU TO A SHOKUGEKI!" Soma claims while lifting his head up.

"Soma! You are really going to challenge Takumi to a Shokugeki! Takumi say something!" You reply.

"Soma Yukihira... I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!" Takumi replies to Soma.

After when Takumi accepted his challenge you immediately go inside and walk into your room.

Soma and Takumi notice you heading inside and both start getting worried and follows you inside. "Y/n!!" They both cry. When they finally catch up to you, you turn around with tears in your eyes. Soma and Takumi smile. Soma pads your head. And Takumi wipes your tears away. Immediately you yank both of their hands away from you. "Please stop fighting over me!" You cry out to both of them.

"Y/n." Soma says.

"You both are such good friends! I don't want you two fighting over me!" You reply.

"Hey, y/n calm down. We'll figure this out." Takumi says while trying to calm you down.

"No! You both just don't get it!" You yell. "I love you both so much! It's hard for me to even choose at least one of you. And I don't want to hurt either of you." You cry out.

"Y/n we both understand how you feel." Soma says while padding your head.

"It's okay if you feel that way." Takumi says while wiping the tears off your face. "We'll just have to give you more time to think about it. But for the time being just get some rest." Takumi adds with a smile.

"Yeah okay." You reply to the both of them.

"Okay. But y/n is it possible for me and Takumi to still have a Shokugeki?" The redhead asks.

"Yes. You both can have a Shokugeki. Just don't fight over me anymore okay." You reply.


You smile to the both of them and head to your room. Soma ends up going to his room as well. Which also leads to Takumi going back to his dorm as well.

You go up to your room and end up getting for bed. For example taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and doing your skincare routine.

You finish doing your stuff but instead of going back to your room to go to bed you send up going to Soma's room to see if he's awake.

When you get to Soma's room you knock on his door. You hear footsteps coming from his room and low and behold he opens the door and you see him standing right in front of you. "Hey Soma." You say to him waving softly. "Hey y/n." Soma replies with a curious face.

Instead of saying anything Soma adds something to the conversation. "Do you need anything?" He asks.

"Yeah." You reply. Soma just stands there nit knowing what to say. "I just wanted to apologize." You add.

"What do you need to apologize for?" The redhead asks with a curious face.

"I wanted to apologize for kissing Takumi in front of you... And for yelling at the both of you." You say with your head down.

"Aww no it's okay y/n. I'm not mad at you at all." He replies. "Even so I an kind of disappointed that I had to see the girl I like kiss another boy in front of me." He later on adds.

You lift your head up. "I'm so sorry that you had to see that. I didn't mean to kiss Takumi right in front of you." You start to cry.

Soma pads your head. "I told you y/n... It's okay." The redhead says while moving his hands from you head down to your cheek. "But... There is one thing that you could do for me in return." Soma moves his hand from your cheek to your chin. He places a chaste kiss your lips. Your eyes widen and you let the kiss last for a three more seconds, and Soma pulls away.

"Even so y/n... I should've been the one to kiss you first." Soma says while whispering into your ear seductively. Making you a blushing mess.

"Your not mad? About me kissing Takumi?" You ask the redhead.

"How could I be mad at the girl I love?" Soma replies with a smile.

"But Soma. I also love Takumi. I love both of you equally. Me kissing you also. Should also mean that I have to tell Takumi about what happened between us." You say to him with a serious face. "I don't thinks it's fair for him to not know about me kissing you as well." You add.

"Okay y/n. I understand. Do whatever you have to do. Even so, just be truthful to the both of us. Okay?" Soma says.

"Okay." You reply.

You end up leaving Soma's door and head back to your dorm. When you get back inside to your dorm you fall into your bed and fall asleep. When you were asleep you just couldn't forget thinking about the kiss you had with Takumi. And the kiss you had with Soma.

Who She Really Belongs to (Soma Yukihira x Reader x Takumi Aldini)Where stories live. Discover now