Chapter 16: The Return

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After a couple months of traveling all around the world with your best friend Megumi, and learning many different types of cooking styles in many different countries, you finally made it back to Japan.

When you two made it to the bus stop, you and Megumi get off the bus. "So (y/n). How do you think Takumi is going to react when he sees your face?" Megumi asks with a smile.

After hearing Megumi asks that question, your face becomes red. "Honestly. I don't how he's going to react." You reply to Megumi's question.

You guys start walking back to Polar Star Dormitory to surprise everyone. When you two make it back you both walk through the door and you both go inside. When you two enter the building you and Megumi immediately start hearing voices from the dining room. So you two decide to go if anyone is in there.

You two make it to the door that leads to the dining room, when you two open the door everyone's heads turn and they see you and Megumi. "We're back everyone." Is what you say while you and Megumi walk in.

"(Y/n)! Megumi!" You hear Yuki say your name before hugging you both tightly.

"It's great to see you too Yuki." You say to her while hugging her back.

While hugging Yuki back you could feel some of her tears coming into her shirt.

After meeting everyone again, giving everyone hugs and smiles after coming back. You and Megumi tell everyone about what was happening while going overseas, and after telling everyone you and Megumi decide to get some sleep because you both were tired from the long way home.

When you and Megumi decided to go get some rest, you both decided it was best to take a bath before going to sleep. After the relaxing bath you had it was time to go to sleep. Immediately after taking your bath, you walked into your room and plopped onto your bed.


It was the next day after returning from your trip with Megumi. The day after the trip you both had it was the weekend. Since you returned from going overseas yesterday, and today was a new day, you decided to surprise Takumi at his dorm.

You make it to Takumi's and while you were outside his door you thought to yourself 'how will he react? What will I do after when he sees me?' After having so many thoughts in your head you decided to fess up and let him see your face.

You knock on the door and you can hear someone walking to the door inside to open it.

After watching the door open, your eyes met his. Tears started to stream down you face. Tears of happiness. "Y/n..." Is what the blonde boy says to you with shock. "Your here." He adds while putting a hand on your cheek.

With tears streaming down your face, you immediately go in for hug. Crying happy tears in Takumi's arms. "I'm home. I'm finally back Takumi." You say with relief.

"Welcome home (y/n). Its so great to see you again." Takumi says to you while stroking your head with his hand.

You come out of Takumi's chest and your eyes met his. You gaze into the blonde boy's eyes.

He cups your cheeks and your faces get closer. And before you knew it, you two were passionately kissing.

While kissing the blonde boy you tilted your head to deepen the kiss and you notice that he snakes his tongue into your mouth.

You two pull away. And after kissing him you cuddle into Takumi's arms. "Does that finally make us official?" You ask the blonde boy with a big smile on your face.

"I guess so (y/n)." Takumi says while hugging you tightly with a smile on his face.

You two stay until you hear Isami call your name. "(Y/n)!" You hear Isami call.

"Hi Isami! I'm finally back." You say cheerfully. Walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"I can't believe your back (y/n)!" Isami says with a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah I know! Takumi said something similar. I'm happy to be back." Your reply with a smile on your face. "Since I got back from going overseas I thought it would also be fun to tell you both about the amazing things I saw and learned. And I've even brought you guys back some souvenirs."

"(Y/n) you didn't have to do that." The blonde boy says to you. Trying to be the gentleman he is.

"Well the souvenir that I got you is something extra special Takumi." You reply to the blonde boy with a cheeky smile on your face.

Takumi had a confused look in his face after hearing what you said. Until you walked up to him, grabbed his face and surprisingly you put your lips on his. Giving him a sudden kiss on the lips.

You let go of Takumi and he is in complete shock, having the most reddest face you've ever seen. "(Y--y/n)!" Takumi says with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You like the gift I gave you just now?" You say with a cheeky smile.

Takumi started blushing. "Well I-I mean I don't hate it but I d-didn't know you were going t-to do that."

"Well I'm glad I had the had the chance to see you today. I've missed you so much and it's been so long." You say to Takumi with the sweetest smile.

"I'm glad to see you too (y/n). I've missed you." The blonde boy kisses you in return, you kiss him back and then you cuddle into his shoulder.

Takumi kisses the top of your head while holding you in his arms.

Who She Really Belongs to (Soma Yukihira x Reader x Takumi Aldini)Where stories live. Discover now