Chapter 13: A Small Talk

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"Takumi!" You reply to the blonde boy in shock.

"What are doing here? It's going to get dark and cold tonight." Takumi replies to you with a concern.

"Well I was about to head back to Polar Star Dormitory now with Soma but he had some extra paperwork to do." You reply to the blonde boy.

"Oh okay. That makes sense. You can't let a cute girl walk home alone in the dark anyway." The blonde boy says while being flustered.

"Well anyway... Why are you here? There has to be a reason." You ask blonde Italian chef.

Takumi quickly looks back at you. "I... I was looking for you!" Takumi says while trying to answer your question.

"You were... Looking for me?" You reply with a question.

"Yeah. I was. I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh okay. What is it then?"

"(Y/n)... If you ever make a decision to be with me would you... Would you ever consider of going to Italy with me?" Takumi says to you.

After hearing him ask that question your eyes widen. You have always been close with the Aldini brothers. Even though you lived in a country in Europe than them, your parents were always really good friends. So much so you were always close with the Aldini brothers and you always considered them to be your best friends and your family.

When hearing Takumi ask you to go to Italy with him you start to smile with happy tears in your eyes. "Takumi... Why would I say no? If you ever need to go somewhere for a job. Or to explore. I'll support you all the way. I'll go wherever you want or need to go." You say to him.

"(Y/n)..." Takumi replies while not knowing what to say.

"But Takumi don't treat this like I'm going to pick you without anymore thought. If Soma was here I would say the exact same thing to him. But I feel like he wouldn't ask me to go to Italy with him." You reply to the blonde boy with a proud face.

Takumi then smiles back at you and puts a hand on your head. "Just take all of the time you need (y/n). You don't need to rush."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to choose wisely." You say to Takumi with a smile.


It was the next day. It was after classes and you were in your office working on some paperwork. When you finish your paperwork you get up from your chair and start walking to Erina's office. That was also the office that Soma was in because he also had some paperwork to do.

When you walk into the office you didn't see Erina. But you say the redheaded chef fast asleep on his desk. While seeing Soma asleep you laugh and walk up to the desk he was working at.

You set down the paperwork that was already done at the desk he was sleeping at and you walk up the side of his chair. While staring at Soma sleep you place a small kiss on his forehead and you even put a nearby blanket on top of him.

You laugh at his cuteness and before leaving you bend down and you put your mouth as close to his ear as possible. "You sleep well Soma." You whisper into his ear before leaving Erina's office.

When you leave Erina's office after finishing the paperwork you have done you decide to find some of your friends from Polar Star Dormitory. Since your friend Megumi is currently holding the Tenth seat of Ten you decide to go to her office and see if she is there.

You make to Megumi's office and you knock on the door. "Come in." You hear Megumi say after knocking.

Shortly after you open the door and walk into her office. "Hey Megumi. I just finished all the paperwork that I was given and I was wondering if I could check on you." You say to her after walking in.

"Oh (y/n). Thank you but you really didn't have to do that." Megumi says while blushing.

"I wanted to. Because... I was wondering if I could get some advice from you or something. When you are done with your paperwork... Would you want to go back to the dorm with me?" You ask your friend.

"Yes. Of course. I'm almost done with the paperwork anyway." Megumi replies. "Just give me a couple more minutes." She adds with a smile.


When Megumi finished her paperwork that same night you two decide to walk back to the dorm together. While walking together it got really quiet, so you decide to start a conversation with Megumi. But instead it was her that started a conversation. "Hey (y/n)." Megumi says.

"Yeah." You reply to her.

"Remember when we both said that we wanted to go overseas together a while ago?" The blue haired asked.

"Yes. I can still remember that day when you told me that you wanted to go overseas, and that you asked to go overseas with you." You reply to her.

"I'm happy that you remember, because... I was wondering if you were actually really serious about it." Megumi says.

"Megumi..." You say when you stop walking. You grab her hands and look at her straight in the face. "I would love to go overseas with you. And study about the many different types of cooking in every country in the world!" You say proudly to her.

"Really (y/n)?!?" Megumi says with a shocked face.

"Of course Megumi. How could I say no. Your one of my best friends. I would go anywhere with you." You reply to Megumi with a smile and within a few seconds Megumi drops her bag and hugs tightly with happy tears in her eyes.

"I love you (y/n)." You hear her say after hugging you tightly. "Thank you for being one of my best friends." Megumi adds.

"I love you too Megumi." You reply to her with a smile. "Wherever you go. I go." You adds while hugging her.

Your friendship to Megumi was absolutely no secret. After knowing her during the middle school division of Totsuki, you two became best friends.

After when you two became members of the Ten you both were talking about going overseas together. That, starting a chapter with the unending bond between you and Megumi.

Who She Really Belongs to (Soma Yukihira x Reader x Takumi Aldini)Where stories live. Discover now