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Walking through the doors of Hillerska has never been scary for Wilhelm until now. Though it's been weeks since the incident, he could feel people's eyes on the back of his head as he walked. He came to the conclusion that it would always be that way.
Sara caught his vision as he walked. She was sitting at a table with some girls he assumed she's friends with. He nodded to her as a greeting. She mirrored his action. Wilhelm smiled softly. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all. As he fidgeted with the sleeve of his sweater, he walked the corridors in search of his room. He opened the creaky door to find everything where it was left. Except for the clean bedsheets that had the smell of laundry detergent lingering on them. The room didn't just look clean, it felt clean. Like a new beginning. A fresh start. He kind of missed school. Wilhelm sat on the corner of the bed, the springs inside making a terrible screeching noise. "Didn't miss that", he laughed.
Wilhelm glanced down at the mattress, his smile disappearing very quickly. This bed was full of memories of him. Simon. Even thinking about him for a split second made Wilhelm's heart hurt. A physical pain. It makes his breath hitch, like he's stuck in time. He tries to stop himself from tearing up, but he can't control it. A sudden tear slips down his face. They began to fog his vision. Wilhelm hugged his knees to his chest as he began to sob quietly.
He has never felt so connected to one person in all his life, and he lost him. He lost the one thing that made him think that life wasn't all that bad. He had known Simon for a short time, yet it felt like years. Simon feels like when you read poetry that inspires you or resonates with you. Simon feels like the moment it hits you that life is really beautiful. Simon feels like when your favorite song plays on the radio and you can't help but smile and dance. Simon made Wilhelm think that life wasn't so bad. Simon was everything Wilhelm loved, and he slipped out of his grasp.

The room felt dark before, but now it feels even darker with the memories of him lingering.

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