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Simon wiped a drop of sweat off of his forehead. Ever since he started hanging out with Liam, the boy kept persisting that the two go on a date. The word "nervous" was a understatement according to Simon. He glanced at himself in the mirror one more time, his scared reflection starring back at him. He was wearing a thick purple sweater and some black jeans. He spent about an hour trying to decide what to wear, he wanted to impress Liam. He never worried about that type of stuff with Wilhelm. If Simon wore a trash bag Wilhelm would still tell him that he's the most beautiful person he's ever seen. Stop thinking about him, he's not my main focus right now he reminded himself.

As he walked out of the corridors he waved to a couple friends. Turning his head, Wilhelm caught his eye from near the doorway. This is the first time Simon has had eye contact with him in a while, it felt really awkward, but he couldn't look away. You could get lost in Wilhelm's eyes for hours. The golden flakes pared with the chestnut color, surrounded by a darker brown really suited Wilhelm. Liam's eyes couldn't even come close in comparison. Liam's eyes were pretty, but not memorable. STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM.

Simon pushed past Wilhelm at the doorway. No matter what he does, he will never be able to escape Wilhelm, and that scared Simon...because he didn't want to escape him. Wilhelm was addicting. Like a drug, you try it once and you can't stop, you rely on it. But he would never tell anyone that.

Simon eventually made it to the park where the date was being held, it was kind of hard getting there due to it being nighttime and it being dark. But he made it. There Liam was sitting on a swing, with his lips curled into a smile, his bright white teeth shining through. Simon sat next to him on an empty swing. Simon was expecting butterflies to be swirling around his stomach, like how it felt when he would hang out with Wilhelm, but he felt almost numb. He wasn't even blushing, his face wasn't heating up like how it was when he first met Liam days ago.

"Hey cutie, glad you could make it", Liam started, "You look beautiful tonight".

Simon faked a smile, "Thank you Liam, I'm glad we could do this".

For about two hours they talked about nonsense. School, life at home, what they want to do for a living, and more. None of it interested Simon. When he had conversations with Wilhelm it felt natural. They could talk about anything in the whole world and it would never get boring. With Liam, Simon would fake laugh at his jokes, thoughtlessly nod his head when Liam was talking, his mind would start to drift and he would get distracted easily.

Liam wasn't who Simon thought he was. He wasn't funny, charming, or desirable. He felt like a friend, nothing more than that. Liam didn't have floppy blonde hair. Or eyes you could get lost in. He wasn't a complicated person. Simon's breath hitched, the air escaping his parted lips. His realization startled him.

Liam isn't Wilhelm.

"I've got to go, bye Liam" Simon said abruptly as he hopped off the swing and started speed walking away.

Simon missed Wilhelm more than he thought he did. All that Simon wanted was Wilhelm. He was the only person or thing that ever crossed Simon's mind.

Simon loved Wilhelm.

AUTHOR NOTE: Hey! um so you guys are amazing??? 😅 THIS STORY ALREADY HIT LIKE 200 VIEWS?? It's been literally like two days. Like one second I was like "wow 10 views", and then BOOM, 200. I guess a lot of you guys reading this are like me: trying to consume as much Young Royals content as possible. 😗 ANYWAYSSSSS thank you for voting and supporting the story so far!!!

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