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The familiar obnoxious sound of boys yelling filled Simon's ears. Having breakfast with these idiots was the worst part of Simon's day. Most of the boys just teased him throughout it. Sighing, he fidgeted with the tablecloth in front of him.

"Are you okay?", Simon jumped in surprise. He turned to the source of the noise,  just to find an attractive boy sitting next to him. He had auburn hair and light brown eyes that you could get lost in. He also had pointy ears that made him look like an elf slightly, but Simon thought it was cute. 

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I didn't think I'd scare you like that!" the mystery boy exclaimed

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"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I didn't think I'd scare you like that!" the mystery boy exclaimed.

"No, no it's okay! Uh, are you um new to Hillerska?" Simon asked, added with a nervous laugh. 

"Yeah I am", the boy smiled softly, "My name is Liam by the way". Simon grinned, the name matched the boy well. Liam presented his hand with the intention to shake Simon's hand. Simon couldn't help but blush. A cute coy wants to shake my hand? Say less! Simon thought. He reached out his hand to shake Liam's. The skin to skin contact sent a shiver down Simon's back.

 "I'm Simon, nice to meet you". 

Simon had only just met this boy, but he already knew he would grow fond of him, he may even be developing a crush. What about Wilhelm? I told him to take his time, I basically promised that I would wait for him when he's ready. He thought. You know what? I shouldn't have to pause my love life just to wait for someone that doesn't want me anymore. He hasn't put any effort into us. Simon decided to give up on Wilhelm for the time being. If things go well with him and Liam, then that's the way it would be. 

Eventually Wilhelm walked into the room and took a seat, far away from Simon.  Once he settled in, he barely touched his food.  The entire time he starred at Simon, hardly ever glancing away. His whole face red, dark crimson. His hands were balled into fists. Jealousy is all he felt. It's all that surrounded his mind. Who does this kid think he is? Does he know what Simon and I have done together? Is he aware that our bond was closer than anything he will ever have with Simon?  Wilhelm thought, as Simon was having a joyful looking conversation with Liam. Jesus Christ, I think I might throw up. Wilhelm abruptly got up and started to speed walk to his room. 

Door slammed shut, curtains closed, lights off. Just like it was in the room when Wilhelm came back from break. It was like he was stuck in a loop. Wilhelm was in the same position as he was on the first day too, curled into a ball, knees to his chest. Nonstop tears rolled down his face. Quiet sobs being held in with a hand against his mouth. He couldn't stop shaking. He couldn't tell if it was from the anger or the jealousy...maybe both. Either way Wilhelm was surrounded by the overwhelming thoughts and questions: He's over me, he doesn't want me anymore, he gave up on us, he likes that boy, has he ever looked at me in the way he is looking at that boy? What is so special about him?  Wilhelm knew he was overreacting, but Simon is everything to him. Wilhelm felt nothing but pain. 

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