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Room 15. Wilhelm's room. Simon has never been more afraid to be standing near it. Whenever he used to come to Wilhelm's room he felt nothing but pure bliss. But now, his hands were shaking and every breath he took was short and wheezy. Simon felt like he was living in an alternate reality. He never thought his life would come to this point, but here he is, standing in front of the crown prince's door. His trembling fist reached up, inches away from the door. Knock, do something goddamn it!  Finally he gained the courage to knock on the old wooden door. It made a harsh squeaking noise, but that didn't distract Simon from making quick eye contact with Wilhelm.


"Uh, hi" Wilhelm replied quietly, "it's like three in the morning..."

"I know...I'm sorry, can I just um. Can I come in?" Simon said, stumbling over his words. 

Wilhelm moved out of the way, indicating that Simon was invited in. Simon sat on the edge of Wilhelm's bed, what used to be their  bed at one point. Wilhelm sat next to him, leaving a few inches of space between them. So close yet so far, Simon thought to himself. 

"Um how are you? We haven't talked in a while" Wilhelm said, attempting to get rid of the tension. 

 "To be completely honest, not so good, how about you?" Simon replied, he gave a small smile. Wilhelm assumed that was Simon's way of coping. Smiling through pain. 

"I've been fine. Do you want to talk about it? I mean, I'm assuming that's why your here?"

"This is really hard for me to say Wilhelm. I love you" Simon said abruptly, not wasting one second to come clean.

Wilhelm's face went pale, his eyes widened. His previous "curious" looking face was gone. He looked numb. 

"'Really hard for me to say'? Is it hard to love me? Are you kidding me Simon?!" Wilhelm said sternly, scoffing in between some words. 

"Am I kidding you?! I gained all that courage and took my time trying to understand my feelings to tell you, and this is is how you treat me? You're a real joke Wilhelm!" 

"Oh don't you dare call me a joke. Don't act like you haven't been seeing that 'Liam' guy!" Wilhelm accused, tears forming in his eyes. Simon's face went blank, a single tear falling down his cheek. 

"Oh, so you didn't think I'd notice all your flirtatious interactions? Considering your shocked face, you probably thought that you could get away with that. You probably think he's so handsome, and charming, and smart" Wilhelm spoke again, pointing his finger in his Simon's face.

'I'm allowed to see other people Wille! It's not my fault that I have a desire for love. You weren't ready, and I feel like you'll never be! You don't own me". 

"Don't call me that! You said that I could take time with figuring all of this out!" Wilhelm motioned his hands between them, emphasizing his point. 

"Bullshit! Absolute bullshit!"  Wilhelm raised his voice, his heart beat was picking up speed. He stood up from the bed and started pacing the room very slowly. 

Simon stayed silent. He was speechless. What the hell is he supposed to say to that. 

"I don't like him".

"What?" Wilhelm asked, his voice slightly muffled. 

"I went out with him and I felt nothing. All I have ever wanted was you. No matter what I do, my thoughts always come back to you! You're addicting. You are like...my drug. But apparently you don't care" Simon explained. It felt like his throat was closing, tears were streaming down his smooth angelic skin. He stood up, and walked to the door.

"Goodbye Wilhelm" Simon said angrily, not even looking his way.  

"Simon wait-" Wilhelm spoke out, but it was too late, he was gone. It felt like a cliché end to a fight in a romantic movie. 

"Don't leave me" Wilhelm whispered, gasping for air. The sound of his sobs were produced by  nothing but pain and the overwhelming feeling of loneliness. 

Once again, Simon slipped out of his grasp. 

AUTHOR NOTE: THIS WAS SO PAINFUL TO WRITE. Emotionally and physically, I kept forgetting simple words and got writers block every two sentences. BUT I DID IT! I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was so sad....... 😬🙃 

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