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TW: there will be mentions of physical and emotional violence/abuse. 

Simon's footsteps as he walked out of the school were heavy and loud. His mind couldn't wrap around what just happened. His whole body was stiff and his hands were in fists by his side. Once he finally made it outside, he decided to sit on a bench nearby until he has cooled off. 

"Simon!" someone yelled with fury in their voice. Simon looked up from his phone, confusion written on his face. 

"Liam? What are you doing he-" Simon attempted to speak, though suddenly he was pushed off the bench. His body made hard contact with the ground, his head immediately started to pound, the sharp bursts of pain making him flinch. 

"You went to see that prince boy didn't you?! You slept with him, didn't you whore?" Liam spit in Simon's face. Simon's eyes grew wide with fear. 

"W-what?" Simon stuttered. He couldn't believe that Liam was acting like this. Liam's eyes didn't show pain or even sadness. Only anger and jealousy. 

"Tell me!" Liam screamed at the innocent boy on the ground. 

"Yes, I saw him...but I didn't sleep with him" Simon said anxiously. He felt a kick in the left side of his stomach, his could hear his own heartbeat in his ears. The boy screamed weakly, followed by coughing. Simon was right before, Liam isn't who he thought he was. 

"Liar! I always see you making lovesick puppy eyes at him in the halls!" Liam continued to kick Simon in his stomach and legs. Simon felt like a defenseless bug being squashed by a shoe. He couldn't move, and it was getting harder to breathe. Though it was true that Simon looked at Wilhelm like how Liam described, he knew that he didn't deserve this. Especially since he and Liam weren't official and only had their first date today. 

"Get the hell away from him!" Simon suddenly heard a different voice coming closer. The kicking finally came to a slow stop. 


"Or what? You'll call your little royal security guard to kick me out?" Liam laughed loudly. "Or does your wimpy, skinny, selfish ass want to be a real man and fight?" 

"Selfish?" Wilhelm scoffed.

"Oh, so we are just going to pretend like you're not trying to save Simon for yourself?" 

"Simon doesn't belong  to anyone. All I'm trying to do here is stop him from being hurt by guys like you!" Wilhelm pointed his finger in Liam's face. "All you do is hurt innocent people. You feed off of their fear to make them feel like they are the one that did something wrong. Plus, you don't know one thing about Simon. You don't know that he can only play songs on piano by ear and he can't read sheet music. You don't know that his love language is touch. You don't know that he loves to sing. You don't even know Simon, yet you're hurting him. And that just goes to show that you are a worthless, pathetic piece of shit that doesn't deserve him".  Simon's eyes went wide. Wilhelm really did love him. 

You could tell that this pissed Liam off. Wilhelm felt his face coming in contact with Liam's fist. This continued with both boys throwing multiple punches at each other. Wilhelm was lucky enough to be able to avoid most of the attacks. 

Eventually, one of Wilhelm's guards came out to break the boys up, Liam being dragged away. He would most likely be in prison by morning time.

 Wilhelm wasted no time to run to Simon's side, who was still on the ground. Wilhelm pulled Simon's head in his lap, running his fingers through Simon's curls. With his other hand he signaled to a guard to get medical help for Simon. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Simon" Wilhelm apologized profusely. "I love you so much, I'm sorry I'm such a shitty person" he cried, tears falling down his numb face. He hugged Simon closely to his chest. 

"It's fine Wille, it's okay, don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry" Simon frowned, caressing Wilhelm's cheek. He wiped a few of Wilhelm's tears away. 

"No it's not fine. Stop forgiving me for shitty stuff I do Simon" Wilhelm glanced away. 

"Wilhelm look at me", they made direct eye contact, "I promise you, it's fine, I forgive you. You had every right not believe me when I told you I loved you, okay?" Simon said. 

"Okay" Wilhelm said quietly.

"I love you Wilhelm" Simon said with pure confidence in his voice.

"I love you too" Wilhelm replied with wide smile. 

Simon made Wilhelm think that life wasn't so bad. Simon was everything Wilhelm loved. And for the first time in a while, he wasn't slipping out of his grasp. 

AUTHOR NOTE:  Guys....I think this is the end of the story. I know it was short, but it was SO fun to write. I hope you enjoyed it! I do plan to write more Young Royals content in the future (maybe some angsty stuff 😳). It was so fun seeing all of your comments and opinions. Some of you were correct with your Liam theories (of him being bad news)! ALSO, my mom was really proud of me for hitting 1k views haha. Thank you guys SOOOO much for supporting this story! 

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