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"Well, it's time for me to go home!" Mei said to the two boys. "You two looked cute all day, I hope it lasts" with a fake smile, the girl turned on her heel and walked the other way.

"She's nuts" Oikawa say to Tobio. "I know" Kageyama sighed.

"Hey, let's take a ride on the train before going home" Oikawa suggested. The sun was slowly setting, and Kageyama was tired. But he didn't want to go home yet, there was no one waiting for him anyway. So he agreed.

Oikawa took his hand and began leading him to the subway.

"Um, Oikawa?"


"My hand" he looked down at his hand that Oikawa was holding.

"Does it bother you that I'm holding it? I can let go if you want" Oikawa offered. "But your ex could still be around hiding and is watching us, you never know"

"Right!" Kageyama nodded. The truth was he didn't mind that Oikawa was holding his hand. He was just feeling bashful about it, his heart was beating loudly. "Why though?" He thought confused.

Later, the two boarded on a random train that would drop them off at a random location of town. They might end up far away from Kageyama's neighborhood.

The subway was packed with tired people, and Kageyama and Oikawa were pressed against each other. Tooru pinned Kageyama against the door and Kageyama was looking out the window. Oikawa looked down at Tobio and inwardly smiled, he looked so cute!

"Come on we're getting off right here!" Oikawa once again took Kageyama's hand just as the train stopped and the doors opened, pulling Tobio out with him.

"Uh, where are we?" Kageyama asked. "We're going to the mall" Oikawa said. "I don't want this date to end boring. Mei kept following us around all day and you looked uncomfortable, so we barely enjoyed ourselves. I know this is just pretend, but no reason not to have fun right?"

Tobio nodded, smiling at Oikawa. "Uh, yea you're right"

Still holding hands the boys wandered around the mall. Oikawa wanted to buy new shoes, and Kageyama watched the brunette try on several new pairs that were on sale.

"Hey isn't that Kageyama-kun?" A girl pointed at the raven haired boy sitting beside Oikawa who was putting on new white shoes. "The gloomy boy who scowls a lot?"

"Scowls a lot? But look at him now smiling so widely!" Her friend said

"Who's that handsome boy with him?"

"Wait, I think I know him. I think he's..Oiwa, Kaoru or something?" One of their friends thought hard. "No, he's Oikawa Tooru! All the girls chase after him"

"And it looks like girls aren't the only ones" one of them took out their phone and snapped a picture. "They're holding hands!"

"That's kinda cute"

Oikawa grinned at his bag that contained the new shoes he purchased. "Wanna eat an early dinner?" He turned to Kageyama. "Sure, but I don't have any money"

"My treat" Oikawa took Kageyama's hand again.

"Oh my gosh!" The girls squealed. "Are they on date?"

"Who would have thought gloomy Kageyama-kun had a soft side"

"Let's follow them!"

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