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The delinquents ignored the person who yelled at them and instead chose to continue beating up Tobio, relishing in his pained groans and yells.

Suddenly one of them was pulled back by the back collar of his shirt and thrown into the dumpster.

Another one was kneed in the groin.

Tobio, with much difficulty forced his eyes open and saw Tooru and Iwaizumi beating up his attackers. Tobio felt a wave of relief wash over him, but also shame and humiliation at being found getting beat up. Embarrassed, the boy crawled into a ball and allowed himself to pass out.


Tooru was seething

He and Iwaizumi heard yells and groans coming from an alley and went to check it out. His anger spiked when he saw Tobio on the ground getting kicked, stepped on and hit.

He let his pure anger take over and he just grabbed the first guy near him and tosses him to the trash where he belonged.

Iwaizumi kneed a guy's dick and kicked him away

"Well well well! It it ain't the almighty Oikawa Tooru" their supposed leader kicked Tobio to the side causing Tooru to see red.

"Ya know I used to look up to you" the asshole gave a disappointed sigh. "I mean you used to be so cool man! Rich, captain of the winning team, girls chase after you, you had it all"

"Get away from him" Tooru growled through clenched teeth

"And then next thing I hear my idol is sucking faces with this pathetic loser" he pointed at Tobio, still passed out on the ground. "I mean I guess he's okay looking enough-"

"Shut your disgusting smelly breath you fucked up mongrel " Tooru kicked another delinquent in the stomach away from him. "Tobio isn't a loser nor is he pathetic, you are the pathetic loser here, attacking an innocent boy for what I bet is no good fucking justifiable reason, you're the one pathetic because you prance around an alley like you own the place with your dumb goons following your every whim like a bunch of idiot dogs with no mind of your own. Piss off shitheads"

The delinquent leader's face turned red entirely, his veins became more prominent and he looked about ready to blow up.

Then he laughs. "Oh please don't gimme this dumb speech! And innocent? This is innocent? " he pointed at the unconscious boy on the ground. All Tooru wanted to do was beat the delinquent bloodily and then scoop Tobio in his arms.

"This 'innocent' boy sexually assaulted his ex girlfriend. Surprised? Your boy toy here isn't as 'innocent' as you thought" the delinquent grins slyly. "He deserves what he got! He deserves getting beaten, kicked, spat on, and more! In fact I was planning on fucking him up myself, make him feel what poor Mei-chan felt when he was forcing his dick up her-"


Oikawa moved within the blink of an eye, grabbed the pole dropped by one of the delinquent's, and smashed it against the disgusting wanna-be-gangster's face

The force was so hard he sent the guy flying and landed face first on the ground.

Tooru dropped the bloody pole to the ground and knelt down to pick up his boyfriend.

Iwaizumi looked around at the unconscious beat up delinquents. "Really did a number on 'em" he muttered massaging his fist.

Tooru didn't respond, instead carrying Tobio bridal style, he stepped on an unconscious delinquent

And left the alley, Iwaizumi following behind them.

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