3. Sol-ah

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The exams were finally over, the second year exams were a pain in the ass even for him who was supposed to be the genius law student.

Han Joonhwi sighed, staying up late with Kang Sol everyday for the past month had taken a toll on him. He was nursing a tiny cold that was making his head pound.

Everyone had already went to their dorms to sleep off their exams as soon as they exited the exam hall. He too wanted to do that but he found out that walking to the dorm took too much energy than he was able to exercise at the moment. 

He debated on what to do, should he go or take a nap somewhere close by and then go. His pain won in the end making the decision for him. He grudgingly went to the copy room and and sat down. 

Even the tiny moment made pain shoot through his head making him wince. He laid down on the table and closed his eyes. He forced his mind to be blank as sleep swept him through. 

He didn't know when he woke up. But someone was shaking him awake. The sun was still up outside, which means he did not sleep throughout the day as he expected. 

He did not want anyone to disturb him, he just wanted to sleep and recharge himself. 

He paused his thought process when he noticed who it was that disturbed his slumber. 

The evening sunlight made Kang Sol look like she was delicate soft beautiful being that he had no business looking at. He was debating whether he was dreaming. 

"Sol-ah" he croaked out, his voice affected by the cold.

"I waited by your dorm, you were not there. Then I searched all places you could go. I even went to court. Your phone was not reachable and your roommate didn't have any care was sleeping snoring. But thank god, you are here. Come on I bought medicine for you. Drink this and then you can sleep, you will feel better sooner" Kang Sol replied her voice soft as she coaxed him to drink the medicine.

Most of what she said did not register in his mind, but her being here seemed right. 

His mind slipped into a peaceful slumber with the feeling of someone caressing his hair.

5 times Han Joonhwi did not call Kang Sol A as Kang Sol AWhere stories live. Discover now