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Kang Sol A couldn't take it anymore. She had withstood many obstacles in life even soared through a few of them. She couldn't believe this was the thing that will finally defeat her. 

No matter how many times she thought to herself, her mind only produced one name to blame for her situation. 

That Han Joonhwi, Bastard!

Why couldn't he endure this for her sake, why should she? They should implement this as a law that male species should do this while females will simply enjoy their married life. 

Taking a sharp breath, she yelled, her voice certainly terrifying to the person inside the kitchen.

"Hey! Min-sol's Appa help me to bathroom"

Like he was summoned he appeared next to her in a second. 

"Is the baby giving you trouble again, I am sorry. I wish I could do something to lessen your burden" Han Joonhwi said rubbing his hand on her swollen stomach.

Kang Sol's frustration melted a little and she replied, "You know even though your words are sweet, your baby is wreaking my bladder. But even though I am mad at you, I love you."

He smiled a blinding smile, his eyes crinkling, "I love you too sol-ah."

"Great, get me to the bathroom, I really really need to pee."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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