5. Girlfriend

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Han Joonhwi groaned as he woke up clutching his head. He had had a fair share of hangover in his life but every time it was like going through a new experience. 

He tried to think about what happened last night, they had just closed a huge case in the prosecutor's office leading to a celebration dinner. As work dinners go it involved copious amount of alcohol. 

He would always be sure to monitor his alcohol amount, not willing to lose his control in front of everybody but he was the new junior in the prosecutor's office so naturally everyone offered him a drink and by the time he stopped he was well past wasted.

He had vague memories of returning home. But how was the question in his mind right now. 

He caught sight of aspirin and water laying in the bedside table just at his reach. Seeing that made him smile even with the pain. Now he could imagine what happened last night. 

Drinking his medicine, he strolled towards the kitchen where he could hear sound coming from. Normally, the house would be dead silent except for him. He was long accustomed to living alone since he turned twenty.

He hugged the person from behind humming in contentment. 

"Woke up?" Kang Sol smiled asking him as he nuzzled into her neck sleepily continuing "You know, I never realized I was missing out on your drunk texts all this time."

"Texts! oh" he mumbled.


"I don't know but I love you Girlfriend."

"Me too, my hangover Boyfriend."

5 times Han Joonhwi did not call Kang Sol A as Kang Sol AWhere stories live. Discover now