4. Sweetheart

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The day for once was nice, just classes and peaceful lunch with his friends. Their exams were for once not on their minds as something urgent to prepare. 

Han Joonhwi should have known the peace wouldn't last long. 

It started with a ring tone, one he was too familiar with. It interrupted the lecture a total of five times. So, naturally the offender was sent out of the classroom to deal with the call. 

Han Joonhwi strained to see what was Kang Sol talking about in the phone. He was unfortunately blessed with human ears incapable of hearing long distances. 

Then everything happened in a blur, Kang Sol shot into the classroom like a storm and picked up her bag and ran away from the room like she was running for her life. It was oddly reminiscent of the first class he shared with her. 

He shared a look with his friends and dashed behind her. Whatever that caused this irrational behaviour in Kang Sol worried him. That girl worshipped all the classes and was known for her note taking ability. 

So, for her to dash out of class, it must have been something serious.

He tried to catch up to her, she was rushing hurriedly uncoordinated in her actions, her tension blending with her body actions. 

He grabbed her as she dropped her bag for the third time making it easier for him to catch up to her.

"Kang Sol, what happened? take a deep breath and tell me" he said trying to convey his sincerity with his eyes. 

"It's..ss" Kang Sol stammered.

"Sol, Sweetheart, tell me calmly. Come one, you can do it"

"Byeol had an accident it seems, school tried to call my mom but couldn't reach her. So, they called me" she replied looking at him like he would solve everything for her, like he had the strength to relieve her of this pain. 

Everything afterwards was a blur, by the time they got to hospital everything was a resolved. Thankfully, it wasn't a serious injury.

When he felt that Kang Sol relaxed from the frantic state, he let off a breath of relief. Now, he had the issue of dealing with the professor from whose class they both dramatically ran away from.

5 times Han Joonhwi did not call Kang Sol A as Kang Sol AWhere stories live. Discover now