Chapter 40

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Sunday 17th June 2020

"Andrea is on his way bambina" Carina said from where she was getting dressed in the bedroom "Okay" Maya said taking a deep breath "Don't be nervous baby you have already met him it is no big deal" Carina assured her fiancé "I'm nervous for him to meet Lily is all he is your family and he is meeting your daughter for the first time" Maya said "He is going to love her it's going to be okay I promise" the Italian said.

"I want a winter wedding" Maya said randomly as she walked out into the kitchen "A winter wedding" Carina questioned "Mhm I love winter it is my favourite season and I like the all white theme I just think we should get married in winter" Maya said "Whatever you want baby" Carina said "Yeah whatever I want" Maya asked "Within reason of course" the brunette said with a chuckle.

"November" Maya said "Next year November" Carina asked "What no no this year November" Maya confirmed "That soon" the Italian asked "that soon" Maya said nodding her head excitedly "Okay we can do that" Carina said. "Okay we have to start properly planning the wedding soon then" Maya said "Okay we will just let's just get through this dinner okay" Carina said.


"Andrea ciao" Carina said opening the door for her brother "Ciao" Andrew said pulling his sister in for a hug "How are you feeling" the Italian brother asked "Very good considering I just had surgery two days ago "Good I'm glad you got the surgery" Andrew said.

"Maya nice to see you again" Andrew said pulling his soon to be sister in law for a cuddle "You too Andrew" Maya said wrapping her arms around her fiancé's brother. "Andrea this is Lily...Lily this is my brother Andrea" Carina said introducing the two to each other "Hi bambina" Andrew said crouching down to be at Lily's height "Hi" Lily said nervously "I've heard such good things about you from Carina it is really nice to meet you" the male Italian said smiling widely "okay she is being shy she will warm up to you in a bit" Carina said as Lily wrapped her little arms around her leg.

"Do you want a drink" Maya asked "Please just water is fine" Andrew said "Still not drinking huh" Carina asked "No I find with my meds it's easier to not drink keeps me more in check" Andrew said "Water" Maya said handing the male Italian a glass of cold water "thank you Maya" Andrew said. "So I hear congratulations are in order" Andrea said excitedly "They are" Maya confirmed lacing her fingers with her fiancé's "Congratulations I've been waiting for this day from the day Carina told me about the both of you" Andrew said "Mhm so have I" the blonde said excitedly.


"Bambina who is at the door" Carina asked from where she was platting everyones food up "I'll check one second" Maya said walking over to the door opening it to reveal someone no one was expecting. "Vincenzo" Maya said confused "Maya" the older Italian said "Did you just say...Papa what are you doing here" Carina asked in an annoyed tone "You haven't been answering my calls" Vincenzo said "For a good reason" Carina shot back.

"Why are you here" Carina asked again "I need a reason to come and see my daughter" Vincenzo asked "Yes what do you want" the brunette asked "You had surgery" the italian man said "I did" Carina confirmed "I am just going to go" Maya said gesturing to the bedroom Lily and Andrew were currently in earning a head nod from her fiancé.

"You're getting married" Vincenzo asked surprised gesturing to the ring on Carina's finger "I am" Carina confirmed "To Maya" He asked "yes obviously to Maya" the brunette said. "Aren't you going to invite me in" Vincenzo asked moving to take a step into there apartment only to be stopped by Carina's hand on his chest "No I'm not because you are leaving now we will catch up tomorrow" Carina said "That's no way to speak to your father" Vincenzo said "Papa please I will call you just not now I just had surgery I'm tired I want to eat and go to sleep" Carina said.

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