Chapter 66

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Friday 24th December 2021

"The party has arrived" Travis and Vic yelled opening the front door followed by there partners "Carina" Travis said pulling the Italian in for a hug "Hello Travis" Carina replied quick to hug her bestfriend back followed by Vic, then Lucas and Emmett "Thank you all for coming" The Italian said leading the four through to the kitchen "Maya is out the back with Lily if you want to join I'll be there shortly" the brunette women said earning a nod of head from all of them who were quick to go and crush there chief in a bone crushing hug.

Not long after the whole team arrive Dean, Jack and Pru were next followed by Bailey, Ben, Joey and Tuck who were quick to join the young blonde on the trampoline. Andy, Sullivan and Matteo were the last to arrive Robert walking in with a walking stick to help balance himself. "Sullivan how are you feeling" Lucas asked as the boys all grabbed a beer and started conversation, on the other side of the back yard the girls were all chatting with each other.

"We actually have an announcement to make" Vic said pulling Ripley up beside her all attention falling on the happily married couple "We are pregnant" the Curley haired women said causing the group to burst into cheers and applause as everyone ran up to hug the couple. "Congratulations Victoria" Carina said pulling her bestfriend in for a hug "You too Chief" the brunette added hugging her boss.

"You okay my love" Maya asked following her wife into the kitchen to see her holding onto the bench death grip and she breathed in and out slowly "Carina baby" the blonde said this time shaking her wife slightly "Sorry what" the brunette asked snapping out of her trance "Are you okay" Maya asked again "Yeah fine" the Italian replied brushing it off "I know you to well to fall for that what's wrong" the blonde asked "I just hope we get to make an announcement like Vic got to and its scaring me to the point I'm about to have a panic attack that we aren't 100 percent sure" Carina said "Babe its only been two days since the insemination you have to have faith that it worked okay and we already spoke about if it doesn't we still have IVF and if IVF doesn't work we can adopt please don't stress about it" Maya said doing her best to comfort her wife.

"You're right... you're right okay" Carina said letting out a breath "Let's just enjoy our night" the brunette added flashing her wife a smile and leaning in to capture her lips in a quick kiss but Maya was quick to slip her tongue into her wife's mouth to deepen the kiss resulting in a moan from the brunette "Ahem" Vic coughed pulling the wives from there bubble "Sorry I just needed some water" Vic said walking to the fridge "No worriers" Carina simply replied. "Are you okay" Vic asked noticing her bestfriend was a little off "Yeah I'm fine" the Italian women replied "Carina" Vic said "Tell her if you want my love" Maya whispered into her wife's ear leaving a kiss on her cheek before walking back into the back yard to find her daughter.

"Okay what is going on because you have been avoiding me since I said I was pregnant" Vic pointed out "I'm sorry Vic" Carina replied letting out a large sigh "Maya and I are trying for a baby we did our first round of insemination 2 days ago and I've been anxious ever since and I want nothing more then to be able to make an announcement like you did but I feel sick to my stomach that I may not get to" the Italian women said "You and Maya are trying" the black haired women asked "Si" the brunette women replied nodding her head.

"Carina oh my god, it's going to be okay you and Maya will get to be moms again you do such a good job with Lily I literally hope I am half the parent you both are" Vic said bringing tears to her best friends eyes "I'm sorry if I knew what you were going through I wouldn't have said anything" Vic said "No no you don't get to feel bad about your news just because I'm being a sook okay you are having a baby and I can't wait to meet him or her" Carina said wrapping the black haired women in a hug "My baby is going to have the best auntie in the world" Vic said.

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