Saving her

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The man entered the Kayi marque after some times, while Ertugrul's alps went back. Turgut, Bamsi and Abdurrahman stayed with him. The man didn't seemed any Mongol or Templar, rather than his attire said him a Muslim man. Ertugrul had doubt of some Mongol's messenger, but he thought maybe the man is for good or he saw Halime or he tried to save her or he wanted to inform him.

"Yes, who are you? And what you wants to talk about?" Ertugrul asked taking a step ahead. He was praying for some positive news.

The stranger gave a sour look to anyone. His body language was not really pleasant. He stayed quiet for a minute. Ertugrul was trying to read his expressions.

"I... I am messenger of soldier Goktug. Emir Sadettin's loyal soldier." He said making them shock.

He took out a small necklace. Ertugrul's eyes widened seeing it, and he immediately snatched it. It was of Halime's. Ertugrul tightly clutched the necklace and shockingly saw him. He was sure now Halime was with them.

Emir Sadettin's loyal soldier Goktug ran away and hid when Sadettin plead guilty in the trial. And after the state remained unsuccessful in finding him, his messenger showed himself here. Ertugrul immediately understand what was going on.

"You..." He shouted out. Ertugrul immediately held his collar. "That dog kidnapped my wife. Where is my wife huh!! I will kill him, I will kill you all if anything will happen to my wife." He shouted at him with utmost rage. He was ready to kill him with his anger, but Turgut held him.

"Bey... Leave him please..." He tried to hold him back as much possible, but Ertugrul's outrage was more powerful.

"I am just a messenger, and if anything will happen to me or I won't reach back, your beautiful wife and your unborn child will pay there Ertugrul Bey." He said angering Ertugrul more. Ertugrul knew they had his weakest leash in their hand now. He gave him a hard and angry stare, which was enough to scare him.

"What he wants?" Ertugrul finally asked in a deep grudge voice.

"Release of our Emir, Sadettin Kopek. This will be a deal Ertugrul Bey if you want your wife safe. You will make Sultan release him, and we will give you your beautiful wife. You will come at the address day after tomorrow. Or else... You are intelligent to know what I mean!" He removed Ertugrul's hand from his collars and took a step behind to go.

He gave him a paper for address and went away. Ertugrul being helpless saw him going away. He signed Abdurrahman, of which he knew the meaning of. Abdurrahman went away behind the so-called messenger.

After taking a deep breath, Ertugrul threw out the paper. He didn't understood where the things went wrong and how this happened. He just wanted to know if he failed!!


The random cave...

Goktug and his friend was sitting on their places in a hidden cave. Halime was tied with ropes and they were surrounded by the Goktug's men. All the soldiers who betrayed their state was present there for Emir Sadettin. It's been some hours, Halime even tried to escape but she failed to her dismay.

Halime knew she can't do anything because of her baby. At any cost, she didn't wanted to endanger her baby's life. Halime felt it hard to deal with the situation, but she kept herself strong. She consoled herself saying Ertugrul will save her. She knew their demand, and she prayed that Sadettin don't get release again, knowing how danger he is.

Halime was continuously staring them with anger in her eyes. She would have killed him by now if it wouldn't have been for her child.

"Do you think Ertugrul will accept the deal?" Goktug heard his partner saying.

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