Their moments

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"Teşekkürler Hatun."  Ertugrul thanked his woman with a smile who gave him a smile back. Ertugrul placed the napkin aside and gave Halime a hand to support her sitting besides him. Ertugrul placed his hand on her grown belly smiling whole time.

"Baba bak, I won the fights against enemies." Gunduz chimed in between his parents, showing his imaginary win to his father. He earned chuckles from both of them.

"Masha Allah my Gunduz, my brave Alp. I see you are becoming a skilled commander.". Gunduz's face lit up listening to his father's praise for him, making him very sure that he is the best Alp. He nodded at him and leaned back, towards her mother.

Halime took Gunduz in her embrace shifting backwards, and rested her back against the pillow. Gunduz kept his little wooden toy-sword in his hand, not wanting to keep it away.

"I will also train my sibling, baba. How long will it take to come?". Gunduz innocently asked Ertugrul making him and Halime smile.
"A little more my Gunduz, only a little more.". Halime replied to him pinching Gunduz's cheeks softly.

He turned his face towards his mother. Something in his expressions said that he had been thinking on a grave topic. Gunduz eyes Halime's face, and then rested his eyes on his mother's big belly. He unexpectedly put his hands on it, something he saw his father doing a lot, but he was unsure of the reason.

His gesture surely surprised the couple sitting there, but they knew their child hadn't known about the baby things yet.

"Ana, how are you going to take care of me and my brother with your big belly, what actually has happened to you Ana?". Gunduz averted his eyes towards Halime again, who stare at him back in sudden amusement. Surely she wasn't expecting anything but this.

Gunduz saw the difficulty his mother had been facing in tasks lately due to her grown belly, which made him forced to think as how is she gonna take care of a new additional person from now on. And he sometimes even feared if his mother was sick, but didn't expressed it, only prayed every time the thought crossed his mind.

"Your Ana has eat a lot, a lot Gunduz.". Ertugrul said out before Halime could think of anything, making her surprise once more. But her expressions immediately turned into threatening. Gunduz giggled loudly, debating if it was really true or not, as he never saw her eating that much.

"Is it so Ertugrul Bey?" Halime spoke with absolute sarcasm, to which Ertugrul payed no heed and a playful smile kept occupying his lips. Gunduz saw the threatening look Halime gave to Ertugrul, who kept smiling at her. He often saw his father's teasing towards her mother, which Gunduz eventually failed to understand it's meaning.

"Okay Gunduz, we are enough for today's questioning, it's time for bed now. And look, your Ana is tired too.". Ertugrul said to Gunduz, while Halime noticed how cleverly her husband changed the topic. Gunduz heard his father but didn't budged.

"But my sibling Baba, when is he going to come. I want him now."

"Gunduz..."  Halime felt surprised by his sudden demand. "Baby your sibling can't come now, you have to keep a little patience." Halime tried to explain him as calmly as she could.

"But Ana, I am so tired of waking up everyday and then doing so many works. If I'll have a sibling, I'll make him do those now.". Halime laughed at the most bizarre reason of wanting a sibling she heard, and Ertugrul wide his eyes too, definitely not expecting that from his son.

Halime laid down on bed comfortably and sighed, the tiredness was taking her easily these days, yet she tried her hard to keep her active appearance. Ertugrul often approached Halime regarding this matter as he was concern for her, but Halime always assured him through. She knew more well than Ertugrul to take care of their baby, but she never dismissed her husband's innocent concerns.

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