E i g h t - Cool Fungi

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Xiaojun watched from afar as Kun struggled to close his locker which was overflowing with old gym clothes and empty soda cans.

Kun pulled out a very questionable sandwich and considered eating it while Xiaojun approached.

"If you want me to help you with Ryujin, you cannot eat that."

"So you're going to help me?"

"Yes." Kun instantly warmed up as if he wasn't blackmailing Xiaojun in a supply closet just yesterday.

"This is awesome! I really think Ryujin and I are meant to be."

"Really? Do you?" Xiaojun asked dryly.

"Not everything is about looks, Xiaojun." (Kun fine asf tho ✋)

"So you're relying on your great, blackmail-y personality on getting the job done?"

"That's hurtful."

"Don't care. Do you want to come with us to Hendery's party this weekend?" Kun lightened up.

"I love it. It's so simple. I bet that's why everyone calls you simple Xiaojun."

"No one calls me that, Kun." Xiaojun turned to leave.

Kun went to take a bite out of his old sandwich.

"Don't eat that sandwich, Kun."


Xiaojun and his friends were sprawled out, snacking on chips and drinking sodas pre-Hendery's party.

"When should we head to Hendery's?" Lia asked.

"Let's give it an hour. We don't want to get there when it's just Hendery and the soccer dweebs." Ryujin crunched on her chips as she spoke.

"Hey! I'm one of the soccer dweebs." Yangyang crossed his arms, acting offended.

"Oh, I know. If I have to listen to you brag about your epic bicycle kick one more time-" Yangyang threw a pillow at Ryujin and she shrieked.

"Do you even know what a bicycle kick is? It's insanely difficult to execute!" Xiaojun clocked Lia's discomfort as Yangyang and Ryujin flirt(ed?).

"Lia, let's go make frozen pizzas."


Xiaojun and Lia pulled different flavoured mini pizzas out of the oven.

"Excited for the party?" Xiaojun asked.

"You mean am I excited to stand amongst our sweaty peers, be too self-conscious to dance and pretend to like the taste of beer? Totally!" Lia answered sarcastically.

"Why would you be self-conscious? You're like the coolest person in our school." Lia snorted as to say 'as if'.

"I'm serious. Look at you." Xiaojun dragged her over to a wall mirror and they both took in her stylish, homemade outfit.

"You're like, effortlessly cool."

"I'm pretty sure you're the only person that feels that way."

"Well, it's true. Ever since you made yourself a macaroni headband in kindergarten, you've been a trendsetter."

"Also known as the day you had to go to the hospital."

"Yup. Yangyang told me if I shoved the macaroni deep enough in my nose a mac and cheese tree would grow out of my head. He was very convincing." Lia grinned.

"I'm sorry I've been weird lately." Lia spoke after a moment.

"I get it. It's been just you, me and Yangyang for so long and now Ryujin's here. It's different." Xiaojun spoke gently for Lia.

Lia stared at him.

It seemed like she wanted to say more but the moment was interrupted by the doorbell.

Xiaojun and Lia entered the living room as Yangyang and Ryujin came upstairs.

"Who's that?" Yangyang asked.

"I invited Kun."

"Qian Kun?" Ryujin asked in an amused shock.

"Why?" Yangyang asked again.

"He's cool." Xiaojun spoke, barely selling it.

Xiaojun opened the door to reveal Kun wearing one of his iconic pun shirts.

The shirt said "I'm a fungi" with a picture of a mushroom in sunglasses.

He wasn't even cool adjacent.

"Evening, Xiao. Ready to party?" Xiaojun stared at Kun's shirt, perturbed.


Lia drove with Xiaojun riding shotgun.

Ryujin was sandwiched between Yangyang and Kun in the back.

She scrolled through Spotify on her phone.

"Would you just pick a song already!" Yangyang exclaimed.

"It's hard! There are so many choices." Ryujin spoke while laughing.

Kun saw an opening to connect with Ryujin.

"You should see me try and choose a kdrama on Netflix. Am I feeling True Beauty or am I in a Boys Over Flowers mood? Not like you have to be in a mood for the genius of Boys-"

"Just put on SHINee! You're korean, we live in Korea. A little something for everybody." Yangyang spoke, ignoring Kun.

Ryujin laughed.

As they continued to flirt, Kun mumbled to himself.

"...sometimes if I can't decide I watch Goblin and Vincenzo." Xiaojun shook his head.

This was not going well for Kun.

(a/n: i don't really watch kdramas, those are ones i've heard lots of people talk about lmaoo)

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