S i x t e e n - Ryujin Is Fooiiine

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The SM high arching band played a horn version of "All I Want For Christmas Is You".

Cheerleaders formed a very impressive Christmas tree (okay, it's a pyramid, but they're holding ornaments!).

Students chowed down on pulled pork and apple cider from a collection of food trucks and the SM Grizzly Bear mascot chased the Almont
Archer (a guy dressed as a giant foam bow and arrow) across the field.

Xiaojun and Ryujin took in the scene.

"Why is the Almont Archer mascot a giant bow and arrow? Shouldn't it be an archer?" Ryujin asked.

"It used to be this super racist Native American character that was played by a Jewish kid with a spray tan." Xiaojun informed.

"Oooooh." She said, cringing.

"Yeah. This is better." Xiaojun said before they scanned the crowd for Yangyang and Lia.

"I guess Yangyang and Lia are still on their date." Ryujin said, bummed.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon. I'm really sorry it didn't work out with you and Yangyang." Xiaojun said off Ryujin's look.

"It's cool. I'm not really thinking about it. Definitely not picturing them parked on a quiet street. Zayn Malik comes on, they make out and then it starts to rain..." Xiaojun felt awful, he tried to change the subject.

"How about something deep fried?" He lead Ryujin to the food trucks.

Ryujin gazed out at the football players warming up on the field in their uniforms.

"At least the eye candy here is a distraction. Is it just me, or is the Almont QB insanely hot?" Xiaojun was immediately uncomfortable.

"We can talk about stuff like that now, you know."

"I guess so. I don't really know how though."

"Then you better practice. Xiaojun, do you think the quarterback is looking fooiiine in his hot pants?"

"Yeah, he's pretty fine."

"No. Foooiinne."

"Foooiine." Xiaojun said laughing.

Xiaojun and Ryujin approached a burger truck.

"Four cheeseburgers, please." She ordered before realizing.

"Oh, duh, Yangyang and Lia will have eaten. Just two." Xiaojun gave Ryujin a sad smile.

"You know what, even if Yangyang and I had gotten together, we just would've broken up when college started."

"You would have?" Xiaojun asked.

"Of course. All high school couples say they're gonna do the long distance thing. Then three months into freshman year you get tired of Facetime sex, have a few too many vodka cranberries, and all of a sudden you're hooking up with your Poly Sci TA in the back of his truck. It happened to my cousin." Ryujin said off Xiaojun.

Before Xiaojun had a chance to respond Winwin approached.

"Hey, guys." Winwin waved.

Xiaojun and Ryujin turned around to find Winwin getting in line at a chicken and biscuits truck.


My favorite waiter.

"Hey. 'Sup." Xiaojun tried to act cool, quickly running his hand through his hair and Ryujin realized Xiaojun was into Winwin.

"I'm going to go grab some drinks." Ryujin gave Xiaojun a pointed look before walking away.

"Wouldn't have taken you as a homecoming guy."

"I'm just here for the biscuits."

"I get it. It's all about the sweet tea and camaraderie for this guy." Xiaojun cringed at his lame line.

But Winwin smiled.


"Hey, so, can I ask you a question?" Winwin suddenly seemed nervous.

Xiaojun was nearly bursting with anticipation.

"Of course." Winwin steeled himself.

"What's Ryujin's deal?" Seriously?

Winwin likes Ryujin?

Xiaojun could barely hide his devastation.

"I know you and her hang out a lot. Are the two of you-"

"We're just friends." Xiaojun answered, annoyed.

"Cool. Good to know. God, I could never be best friend's with someone that hot."

"Yup. Everyday is a struggle."

"Uh, I think the SM Grizzly Bear wants to talk to you." Winwin pointed to the edge of the field where the SM Grizzly Bear mascot was beckoning to Xiaojun.

Xiaojun went over to the bear, confused.

"Dude. It's me." Xiaojun looked into the mouth of the bear, where he could see behind some gauzy black fabric... Kun.

"You're the SM Grizzly Bear? Actually, that makes total sense."

"Thank you."

"Not a compliment."

"I saw you come in with Ryujin. Has she said anything about me since waffle house?"

"She had fun."

"I knew we had a breakthrough!" Xiaojun wasn't in the mood for Kun's bullshit right now.

"I gotta go Kun."

"Wait! I need to build on this momentum fast. What do I do?"

"I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"No, I won't figure something out. That's what you're for, to help me figure it out-"

Maybe it was what just happened with Winwin.

Maybe it was feeling like shit about what he was doing to Yangyang and Ryujin but Xiaojun snapped.

"I don't know what to tell you Kun! I guess if I was a heterosexual guy who liked a girl, I'd shout it from rooftops because I could. So maybe it's time to tell her you like her. Go big or go home." Xiaojun took off angrily, leaving Kun considering his words.

He found Ryujin struggling to carry their burgers and teas.

Xiaojun took the cups.

"And?" Ryujin said referring to Winwin.


"Aww. At least we can die alone together." She put her arm around Xiaojun and they went to find seats.

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