As Long As You Want Me (college AU)*

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context: fem!reader x college!hotch

You weren't one to go out often. With a full class load and a part-time job there wasn't much time for you to go out. But, your favorite and least favorite class, CJ ST 340 Serial Killers and Repeat Offenders had decided to celebrate finals and the end of the semester so here you were at a bar. It was your favorite class because who didn't love to learn about why sickos did what they did. It was your least favorite class because of the guy sauntering up to you and your best friend, Sabina, as you take a sip of your beer.

Aaron Hotchner.

He was a cocky, self absorbed playboy. He was also your biggest competition. The entire semester the two of you had traded off in getting the highest scores on exams and presentations. It pissed you off because you knew that he wasn't working as hard as you. He had the reputation of sleeping around and partying hard. He didn't have to worry about financies and he wasn't afraid to boast about it. He was the opposite of you, everything you detested.

"I didn't know miss goody two shoes knew how to have fun." His smooth voice is sarcastic as he nudges your elbow.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Hotch and I'd like to keep it that way." You lean away from him, your face wrinkled in disgust.

"Sabina, sweetheart, would you mind giving us a minute?" He doesn't stop looking at you though he's speaking to her.

"That's my cue to get another drink." Sabina announces without looking at you and your mouth drops open.

"Sabina!" You call after her, but she makes a beeline for the bar. You didn't know how but you'd make her pay for this. You knew this is what she wanted. She always suggested that you and Hotch sort out your tension in a sexual manner but you were hellbent on staying away from him.

"Ouch, am I that bad?"

Ignoring his question you attempt to get him to the point of this unwanted interaction. "What do you want Hotch?"

"To congratulate you on getting the highest mark on the final." He shrugs, taking a sip of his own beer.

"Well you've done it, thanks, you can go now."

"I wasn't finished."

"What else could you possibly have to say to me?"

"Go out with me tomorrow."

If the music in the bar weren't so loud the laugh that leaves you could be heard down the street. "You're kidding." He keeps his expression serious and your laughter fades. "Oh, you're not kidding."

"There's obviously some kind of tension between us, I'm not the only one who feels it, I know that."

There was that word again; tension. You wonder for a moment if Sabina's put him up to this.

"Yeah, there's tension because you're a prick." You say matter of factly.

"There's a lot you don't know about me too, ya know?"

"I know that you're a rich playboy who just happens to be smart."

"I'm hearing a lot of assumptions there."

"Most of my assumptions happen to be right."

He leans closer to you, his lips almost brushing your ear. "Let me prove you wrong."

You think about it for a moment. What's the worse that could happen? Nothing serious would come of this even if you did sleep with him and you're sure the sex would be decent enough. You were long overdue for getting laid. "Fine."

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