First Confession, FAILED!!

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Maka's P.O.V

Soul looked kinda bored today. I should talk to him I guess? But I'll get scolded by Miss Marie (A/N: Actually, Professor Stein's lesson ended and it's two subjects before class break, so it's Marie's turn), Nah, I don't care, she cares for me anyway like a younger sister. "Nee Soul," I started. "Nani?" He look at me. "Where are you having your break?" I asked. He turned his head towards me. "With you. I always spend time with my meister." He smirked at me.

"Okay class, you are dismissed." Miss Marie said sweetly. "Hai!" I said excitedly and popped out of my seat. "Soul, ikuyo!" I called out. "Hai, hai." Soul walked out before me. We arrived at the cafeteria and bought something to eat, I bought a ham and cheese sandwich, while Soul bought bacon and cheese sandwich. "Nee Soul, why do you like- I mean love bacon?" I asked. "Because of it's cool, smokey flavor," He replied. I was trying to make a subject other than my confessing. Come on, Maka... You can do better than that, I thought. In the inside I cringed.

We continued to eat with awkward silence... Nani ikutendayo Maka? Go ahead, tell him, baka! My inner self said, But I can't!! I replied in my head, You can't do anything but try! My inner self encouraged, If you were to be in my place, you won't be able to do it too!! What if he rejects you? You will only end up in a pool of tears! I said, rather, 'shouted' in my head. You'll... never know unless you try, My inner self said in soft, soothing voice. You-... you're right... I'll never know unless I try. I replied. Well then, there's no turning back. I thought.

"Soul, I-"


There goes my chance, being blown away with the sound of the school bell... It's time to go back to class.


"Soul, ikuyo..." I said in a depressed tone. "Somethin' wrong? You kinda look depressed," Soul asked. "Nanemonai!! It's all cool!" I replied. "Well, ok..." was all he said. Soul is confused.

(Okay, TIMESKIP; Soul and Maka went to class and all blah blah)

Soul's P.O.V

After class, we went home and I decided to take Maka up to the roof of our apartment. We went through a window in my room to get there. (remember when Blair was flirting with him and Maka sent him flying towards the roof)


"Ugh... What are we doing up here?!" Maka exclaimed. "Nothing just, look at the sky..." I said and changed into a relaxing position with one hand on the back of my head, the other one just, stayed there. I lay on the roof. Maka did the same. Maka lay her head on my shoulder which caused me to blush. I liked Maka from the first time we met. She was the coolest partner I could ever find. "Maka I- oh..." I was about to confess, but I could hear Maka's light breathing on my neck. "All I wanted to say is that, I love you Maka Albarn, from the start..." I said in a low voice.

I embraced her as I slowly fell asleep...


Hey guys, I know what you people are thinking. You're thinking what is taking me so long in making chapters. Well, very short time. I have to do the laundry, go accompany my mom when she goes to work, etc.

But, no, I'm not tired of this story, and I'm not giving up on this story, and I won't end the story unless it reaches the 'kishin battle' part and when Soul can say his feelings.

And thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. Hey people, can you do me a favor? Please comment your suggestions or what you think about my story. Is it boring? Too romantic? Or just right? Just comment. I won't feel bad when you hate my story, just... say so.

Me: Soul~! What do you think of this chapter~? Is it nice~??

Soul: *stares blankly with mouth open* Not cool man, not cool. IT WAS TOO ROMANTIC!!!

Me: Hey! I said just comment! (lol, a character commenting on wattpad, weird)

Soul: You're so uncool man...

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