First day of College

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Maka's P.O.V

I woke up and went to the bthroom to take a bath wore my best vest, skirt and necktie to be like a proper school-girl. I went to Soul's room after and went banging though his bedroom door, "Soul! Ohayo, wake up!" "Ungh... Maka, fifteen minutes more..!" Soul replied. "NANI? You wanna be late for the first day of college!??" *sigh* You're just like before, nothing changes." I said. "Baka! But I'm still cool..." He said.

Maka...... CHOP!!!


"Ow... What was that for!?--" "That's what you get for calling me a baka! You were lucky it wasn't one of my best Maka CHOPs." I replied, pouting. "Yeah, yeah," He brushed his hair, "Flat-chest." "Nani!??"



Soul's P.O.V

"Soul, ikuyo. (It means "let's go" in japanese)" Maka called out while at the door. "Hai, ohime-sama."
("ohime/ohime-sama" means "princess" in japanese) I replied sarcastically and rolled my eyes. We walked there and I got tired. "Really?" Maka stood there, jaw opened. "It seems like nothing changed at all!" She said while she took her hand and we ran. "*pant, pant* I... I thought we'll never reach the... The class," Maka panted. "Ms. Albarn, Mr. Evans, you're late." Professor Stein said. "Gomennasai, Stein haka-sensei! (It means "Professor" in japanese)" She apologized. "Well then, go to your perspective places." Professor Stein shooed us to our places. "Arigato, haka-sensei," Maka smiled. "Nandemonaiyo."

(After 1 hour of classes)

Ugh... This was still boring like in highschool... I wish something new's gonna happen.


Me: So... just like that, Soul wished there was something new gonna happen. Well Soul, you got ur wish.

Soul: Nani?

Me: It's something that has to do with Maka

Soul: Crap the hell...

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