Ask Her Out

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hi there. Enjoy the chapter. :3

Soul's POV

When my alarm clock rang, as if on cue, there's was a knock on the front door. I hurriedly went down the stairs and opened the door. It was Maka.

"Ohayo," she greets me with a smile, "I'm on time right?"

"Actually... no," I reply, kidding around with her.

"EH?!" she squeaks, "demo-demo-demo, it's still 5:58!!" she protests.

"I was just kidding. C'mere," I held out my hand to her and she placed her hand gently on mine, but then I gripped her wrist and tugged her towards me in a hug. She let out a girly gasp but sighed dreamily when she placed her chin on my shoulder.

"I missed you, even if you were only gone for 24 hours." I muttered and buried my face in her neck. She brings her hand up to my head and gently tugged at my hair with her delicate little fingers.

Maka lets go from my embrace and closes the door behind me. I turn pink from embarrassment.

"Gomen." I mutter shyly. We were so caught up in the moment that we forgot to close the friggin' door.

I lead her towards the couch and I sat, she dropped the duffel bag on the floor and sat next to me, I started the conversation with, "'s your night out?"


Blackstar's POV

I'm confused.

So fückin' confused on what I feel for Tsubaki.

Sometimes I treat her like a younger sister, sometimes a lover, but I don't even know what kind of relationship we had. And it confuses me if I should ask her out or not.

I grip my hair in frustration that I didn't notice Tsubaki enter my room.

"Nee.." she starts, "I don't know why I did that to Patty, but I apologized to her already.. I don't know if you like me back or not, but," she paused, then inhaled before continuing, "I really like you, Blackstar. No, not just like, I love you." she mumbles while she kept her head down.

I just stared at her for a moment, stood up, and hugged her without a word. Besides, I don't know what to reply to her. I need to clarify my feelings first. I need to be my best self when I tell her.

I wish I could tell you that too, Tsubaki. But I guess now's not the right time. I thought. Minutes later, I feel wetness on my shoulder. Tsubaki was crying.

I broke from our hug and turned to face her. Tears were flowing like an endless waterfall down her beautiful face and I couldn't help but frown slightly at the sight.

"I'm really sorry Tsubaki, I really am." I whisper in her ear before I walk out of my room.


Soul's POV

Cooking breakfast, suddenly there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and in came Blackstar with a troubled look on his face. I fistbump him and invited him in. He immediately sat on the sofa.

"Hey," I greet him, "you okay?" I ask. He only gives me a sad smile and a shook of his head, but stayed quiet. But I knew he would spill it out sooner or later. He did.

"Tsubaki," he began, "I hurt her." he said, tears in his eyes.

"Have you already clarified your feelings for her?" I ask. "Do you love her?" I add.

"I do," he states, "but I don't know how to confront her." he admits.

I let out a mocking, dramatic gasp that most girls do, "Is the almighty Blackstar afraid to show his feelings?" I laugh.

He only gave me a flat look as if saying, 'I'm gonna kill you now if you give my ego one poke.'

"No." he seethes, "I'm not afraid to confront, I'm afraid of rejection." he admits freely. I shook my head at him.

"You should really ask her out, before Kid gets to her first." I tell him, "Don't let your chance slip away." I add.

"Right back at'cha." he throws me a mocking wink. He was talking about me asking Maka out. The moron.

"You moron." I laugh and smack my hand behind his head.


Allo guys~! Soul asking Maka out eh? What do you guys think about it?

Here's some heads-up on what will happen in the next chapters:

1. Blackstar and Soul asking the girls out (exciting part I know ;D)
2. Maka will have a secret admirer! Ohmahjazzz (who can it be? :O)
3. Tsugumi, Anya, and Meme will be involved in some chapters! (Soul Eater Not characters, I know :))


Soul/Blackstar: Okay..who's asking who now????
Maka: *facepalms hard*
Tsubaki: (oblivious to the max) Me and Maka *smiles*
Soul/Blackstar: Ohhhhh...


NEXT UPDATE: every other day :) (I hope)

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