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I'm an alien on this earth

I don't seem to belong anywhere alone

No matter how much I smile, I feel so lonely

Aliens trying to mix with Earthlings

Even if I say out loud, no one hears me

- Han Jisung, 외계인 (Alien)

It was an unusually gloomy day on campus. Faint rolls of thunder could be heard in the distance, slowly creeping their way toward the cowed students. The normally so sturdy-looking trees swayed dangerously in the wind.

It perfectly summed up the past week.

Lee Minho and Han Jisung had been best friends for years. Soulmates, they called themselves. Because in whatever form, they were meant for each other.

They were always there for each other, supporting each other through their most stressful times at university, issues with their families, crying and making up after fights. They thought they'd be best friends forever.

It was strange how quickly their world turned upside down.

Afternoon dancing and singing classes at university had ended for the day, and most of the students had already rushed to go home before they got soaked.

However, Minho had stayed back late with some of his dance friends to practice. And someone else had as well, pouring his broken heart into writing song lyrics.

As the cat-like boy left the dance building, his eyes immediately caught onto a flash of blue and blonde under an overhang of a nearby building. The orange-haired boy was still resentful of the events of the past few weeks, but his heart panged when he saw the small-framed boys huddling in the rain, and unconsciously shifted paths towards them.

The blonde boy apparently had the senses of a skittish squirrel and perked up at the distant sound of splashing footsteps. He managed to contain a gasp when he recognized the older dancer and looked at him with wide eyes. 

Minho mentally willed the freckled boy to leave them alone while the other debated whether or not to leave his twin alone. Fortunately for the eldest, Felix got the hint and decided to bid his friend goodbye, pretending that he had to pick up notes that he had forgotten inside. 

Fortunately, throughout this exchange, Minho's ex-best friend remained as oblivious as a baby chick. 

As Jisung's eyes followed the freckled boy around the back of the building, they landed on someone else walking towards him. He was first spooked by the sight of his old crush, before it turned into betrayal at what Felix had done. 

Now alone, Minho walked up to Jisung, holding an umbrella over his head. The emotions of being closeted and in love washed over Jisung again as he looked at the orange-haired boy. Unable to maintain eye contact with the older for more than a moment, he gazed at the ground and moved away from him, back under the rain.

Minho stood still for a moment, but the younger one refused to look up again. He was pained by Jisung ignoring him, but the same heartache made him unable to give up on his friend.

"Jisung, please."

Jisung was silent but his heart cried out. I'm so sorry Minho. I wish I hadn't hurt you, I wish we were still friends . . .

"I don't want to be near you," the blue-haired boy responded quietly, not looking at him. 

Minho walked closer and stuck out his arm so that the umbrella shielded only Jisung. He ignored the heavy drops of rain that spattered his face and hair.

"Don't be ridiculous," Jisung said, finally looking over at the other, but immediately away when his heart jumped.

"I'm not going to move."

The younger one rolled his eyes. "You're infuriating," he murmured, moving just close enough to Minho to where they were both covered by the umbrella and where their arms barely brushed.

Jisung's mind took him back to where Minho used to snuggle up beside him after dance practices and long car rides, and the same feelings that arose then came flooding back now.

He swallowed.

How quickly things had changed. They had been best friends, until Jisung developed a one-sided love.

His hope of his affections being requited had been quickly shattered by Minho beginning to date someone else, an older girl that Jisung felt that he could never compare to.

When the new couple broke up, Jisung thought he might have a chance. But as if the gods themselves were trying to test him, Minho began flirting with yet another girl. 

Why did it seem that Minho liked everyone but him?

Jisung couldn't bear to see Minho in another relationship again, and in an explosion of jealousy after seeing his crush coo over someone else, he had toxically shouted at the older, who had not taken it well.

Jisung had gone home distressed with his own behavior, while Minho just felt empty. He was too used to suppressing emotions that he believed he shouldn't feel. 

These memories enveloping their mind, the two stood in the rain, not speaking.

Jisung's ride soon arrived. The older one walked him to the car and held the umbrella over the other's head as he got in.

Jisung looked out the window and mouthed, "Thank you."

Minho just smiled back and waved as he left, his heart heavy.

Jisung felt bad, leaving Minho in the rain, unsure of whether he had a ride. Knowing that it would soon be too late to turn around, he patted his driver on his shoulder. "Please, can we go back?"

The driver raised his eyebrows. "For your friend? You know that it'll cost extra, right?"

Jisung nodded.

They sighed. "I don't know if he'll still be there," - Jisung protested - "but alright."

Jisung sat up straight as the car was turned around, his eyes darting back across the landscape to try and spot his old friend. They parked against the curb and Jisung ran outside.

He caught a flame of hair and waved to Minho, who was ducked under the overhang of the dance building, but the rain was too heavy for the older to see him. "Minho!" he cried, but his voice was drowned out. He ran closer, the splashing sound startling the older.

"Jisung? What are you doing here?" Minho immediately took him under his umbrella again, both looking at each other front-on now.

Jisung took a moment to catch his breath. "Do you want to come home with me?"

Minho paused. He didn't feel like he should refuse given that it was pouring and there had been flooding warnings issued.

But on top of that, he didn't want to say no. He really did miss Jisung and ultimately never felt anything but regret at the end of their friendship.

"Okay, one minute." He quickly messaged his friend and told him that he didn't need a ride anymore, praying that he wouldn't be annoyed. He consoled himself, reasoning that it didn't take too long to drive from their apartment to this part of campus.

Minho kept Jisung under his umbrella as they speed-walked to the waiting car, hurrying in to avoid the rain.

They smiled at each other as the car drove away, quickly looking down at their hands that had once held each other.

Jisung gazed out the window at the blurry gray world, feeling his decision sinking in. How would he spend an entire night with Minho?

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