❣time for blood🥩BXB 18+

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Y/n: sub

Monster: dom

Edited 3.0

For all you lovely people who have degrading kinks, this is the right story for you, there will be two parts to this story. Btw this this a alternative ending to "A walk in the woods" if Y/n hadn't woken up and stayed in the woods all night.

Remember this is an 18+ story and I know well that most of my readers are not but I hope you enjoy it.)

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"Hey, are you okay"? The voice of a women filled the room and echoed in Y/n mind before he opened his eyes and felt the soft feeling of a bed below him as he glanced around the room and immediately noticed how big it was and how old it looked but he didn't have time to look for long because when he looked up to see a small woman above him he was shocked, and he tried to move but hit the wall.

"Where am I, who are you"!? y/n yelled as he was so confused. The last thing he remembered was walking in the woods before those beast attacked him and violated him. "o-oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, hello I'm Luna the maid." She bowed down and looked at y/n "I had to go into town to do some errands and as I was coming back I found you in the woods and I couldn't leave you there, it was getting dark." Luna said as she kept her eyes on Y/n.

"I don't even remember what happened that well," Y/n said as he touched his head before it hit him and the memory of everything started flooding back and he looked down at himself and saw the bite marks but mainly noticed that he had a different outfit. "Umm, did you dress me"? Y/n asked nervously "Yes I did and I cleaned you up. You must've forgotten about those freaks that are in the woods." Luna said, with a bit of anger in her voice.

"you seem to hate them a lot," Y/n said as he looked at the maid as she started dusting the room and was cleaning everything up and he just stayed in the bed side his body was exhausted and the bed he was on felt extremely comfortable.

"I really do; they always destroy my garden and eat my cow. Sir hates them but not for the same reason." The maid said as she continued to dust. "Sir? Who is "sir"? Y/n asked and Luna turned around and looked at y/n with a big smile "Sir is my boss, He was really happy that I brought you here. He said that he couldn't wait to... Never mind, just forget that last part." Luna mumbled at the end as she continued to clean to the room but would glance over just to make sure Y/n wouldn't escape.

Y/n looked around a bit before it hit him, the room he was in was much fancier then anything he had seen before and looked almost like a mansion and he knew there was only one mansion around where he lived and it was deep in the woods 'Fuck I'm stuck in a house the whole village talks about. I heard the rumors that people were going missing at one point and there body's were found around here and about how they had the blood sucked out of them, how they were tortures to death.' He thought to himself.

Y/n tried to move and get up before he realized his ankles were chained to the bed and he tugged and pulled but to no avail he couldn't escape. "WAIT hey, let me go, come on, we can talk about this!" Y/n yelled as he pulled as hard as he could on the chains. "Awe, I'm sorry I only listen to sir, sorry." Luna said with no remorse in her voice as she started walking out of the room with a smile on her face "Wait, no please, I don't want to die, I'm too young"! He shouted out anger and fear in his voice.

(I know, what a glorious way to die, but let's just pretend you're not traumatized, you don't have that caffeine problem, and the messed up sleep schedule, etc, but back to the story)- (8/6/2023- damn past me is so mean💀 sorry guys no shame in wanting to die to a hot vampire)

Luna looked back over at y/n "I didn't either, but look where I am now." She said before walking out of the room. An hour went by just being alone in this room trying to find a way out and being stuck in his own thoughts for that whole hour and when the door eventually opened a tall 8 feet man walked in and looked down at y/n with his ruby eyes that pierced right into y/n soul. "When luna said she found someone, I didn't think you'd be so cute, pathetic looking but cute." The man said calmly and so casually like he wasn't holding y/n against his will.

Y/n pushed aside his complement and looked away from him and was just trying to find away out. The man slowly walks over and grabs y/n chin forcefully, making y/n look at him. "You know, most people say something when someone is talking to them, or are you just an fucking idiot?" The man said his voice was harsher which immediately crushed y/n idea of this man being nice.

"No, and how about you get your nasty hands off me!" Y/n said he tried moving away, but the monster grabs y/n by the neck and goes close to his ear. His hot breath hit y/n neck "listen here you brat you're here for one reason to be my food and I'm getting hungry~". The man whispers in y/n ear before pushing him down roughly and held his hands above his head before it bit down on his neck.

"Aha~!" Y/n moaned out quietly when he was bitten and squirmed a bit below him, The man stopped and lifted his head to looked at him "Maybe two things now~" the man said with a grin on his face before going back to biting y/n neck and slowly sucking the blood but not taking too much. The man slowly pulled away and licked his teeth as bit of blood dripped down the man's face.

And for some reason y/n pressed his things together and felt his cock getting hard which made that man laugh "I can't wait to play with my new toy." The monster said, with a devilish smile...

(Hello there guys gals and non-binary I hope you enjoyed it sorry for the cillf hanger.i'm always up for a recommendation and remember stay kinky my friends )

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