⚡shocking experiences⚡BXB 18+

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Sub: reader

Dom: monster

(Hello my beautiful sinner, for those that are into some shocking things, I think this is the story for you. I hope you enjoy

Warning: breath play, electric play, degrading, overstimulation.


Down at the Lagoon y/n enjoy the nice feeling of the warm waters, just swimming around have a good time as the sunset shined an orange, yellow, and pink onto the water the clouds in the sky make it look like a piece of art. Y/n leaned against the rocks and took a deep and taking his time to take in the scenery. He felt something slippery touch his foot and immediately jump up on the rocks and looked down at the water below him, something or someone was slithering around in the waters, y/n was not having any of this and started grabbing his stuff before that same slimy feeling wrap around his leg, y/n drop all there stuff and got dragged into the water. Y/n fought against swimming up. When y/n got to the surface of the water he wasn't as close to shore anymore he felt someone grab his shoulders behind him and pulled y/n close
" sss-so ss-lipper you are." The creator spit out as its grip got tighter
Y/n froze what do you even doing in a situation like this, an electrifying shock came from the creature's hands shocking
y/n body, it wraps its long tail around him and held y/n close
'an elective eel is known for being one of the most mysterious creatures There are so many different types but this one to happen to be part human which made the situation even worse.'
" let me go you fucking ugly monster"! Y/n yelled as he squirmed around trying to escape the clutches of this creature.
The eel got even tighter and began licking y/n neck, it bit down harshly y/n flinch and let out an outcry, the pain was unbearable death would have been better. The creature moved y/n over to the rock and push y/n down
" aww you're ss-scream are adorable I wonder what else makes you sss-scream." The monster whisper in y/n being running its hands up and down y/n body an elective shock with every touch, y/n body twitch with every touch bit the most obvious was the bulge forming in his swim trunks. The monster looked at y/n with a sinister smile before slowly pulling down y/n trunks and stroking his cock slow and increasing the electrical flow, y/n arched his back and scream out
" please aha s-stop ah i c-can't." Y/n gasps out trying to catch his breath as the electricity flow through his body.
The monster started jerking y/n faster go a rapid pace as it increased the electrical flow higher, not enough for y/n to pass out but just enough to be an agonizing pain
Y/n yelled a try to everything to get away but stuck in the monster grip the pain flowing through his body being unbearable the handle yet y/n body just kept twitching more underneath all of that pain, a flow of pleasure came with it for a moment y/n thought he was insane how could someone enjoy this but the little voice in his brain told him that this was heaven on earth. Y/n buckled his hips up as best as he could try to get the best source of pleasure
" wow I can't believe you are enjoy this how pathetic, I can't believe how desperate you humans get." The monster snickers out as he went faster.
Y/n want to defend himself but damn was this monster right, he had a fantasy about be torture by a monster but he never thought he would be into so shocking things.
" aha ahh, f-fuck aha." Y/n moan out as he came on the monster handed but before
y/n had time to recover himself the monster jerk y/n as fast as it could not showing any mercy y/n once again tried to move away this was too much to handle all at once. Y/n felt something against him the monster was lining up his cocks, y/n eyes opened widely he couldn't handle two at once
" please aha, we c-can hah talk about aha t-this-." Y/n gasps trying to get all his words out before getting cut off by the monster roughly shoving in y/n. The pain and the pleasure of the electrical flow. The creature wraps its hands around y/n throat and started choking him as it trusted itself in between y/n moan was desperate gasps for air y/n vision went blurry and right before y/n was about to pass out the monster let go, y/n took a deep breath in trying to get air back into his system, The monster lends forward, it kisses y/n roughly shoving his tongue in and lapping it with y/n, the feeling of suffocation, the electricity, and the monster hands running up and down y/n body, everything was just so much. Y/n felt the heat form in his stomach again. The monster pulls back, a trail of saliva connecting the two y/n looked in the monster yellow eyes something just snapped in y/n
" aha ah f-fuck me ah harder." Y/n moan out as y/n arched his back.
The monster was shocked that the human before was actually giving in usually every other human fight through the whole thing but the monster couldn't deny the fact that y/n desperate moan just made this even better, the monster started trusting in y/n at ungodly speeds. All y/n could hear was the sound of skin hit skin and the buzzing noise of the electricity. Y/n arched back as he came all over his chest, the monster grabs y/n chin forcefully and made him look at it as the monster came inside of
y/n. After all, that y/n body just lied on the rocks twitching and so tried, the monster cleaned y/n and put his clothes back on
" just come back again if you want you to have sss-some fun again." The monster said has it slither back into the water. Y/n looked up at the sky as the sunset " god what the fuck just happened. . .

(Hello you kinky bastard and welcome to the end. I hope to enjoy it and tell me in the comments if I should make a part 2.

And always remember to stay kink, my friend.)

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