A little demon BxB different directions

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Sub: monster 

Dom: reader


(Hello my beautiful sinner, a little demon told me that you all are very desperate for some love so I will give it to you.

Warning: sadistic energy, bondage, vibrator, edging, overstimulation, degrading, and much more.

Remember this is an 18+ story, I know most of my readers are not but i hope you enjoy it.)

Bored and alone, y/n sat on their bed stroll through his phone before putting it down and looking around his room he looked over at the bookshelf and got up 
' Maybe reading something might be nice.'y/n thought to himself as he got up and walked over to the shelf.
He stares at the shelf and notices a book he had not seen before, he grabs the book and flopped on the floor, and began to read. The language in the book was unreasonable language but he continued to flip through and stop on a page with instructions and different drawings of a demon, with a little bit of boredom and an insane amount of creativity y/n being drawing the line he saw in the book on the floor. Once he was done he tried his best to say the words in the book 
" serised tsepeed ym evah ot em pleh uou yam, og dna emoc nomed." Y/n started as a big flame appeared in front of him, y/n jump back and covered his eyes before moving his hands to see a small demon looking him in the eyes before quickly looking away
" Wow, you summoned me, I've never been summoned before." The demon said as he moved closer to y/n 
Y/n moved back until his back hit the wall
" Please calm down, I just have to do my best, you brought this upon yourself." The demon said as it moved quickly to y/n crotch and began touching y/n through his pants, it kissed y/n moving his tongue around in y/n, y/n fought back for domestic and win.
Y/n picked the demon up, putting it on the bed. The demon blushed a blood-red has
y/n took off the demon clothes, y/n stop to stare a the demon bulge in his panties thatwere black and gold with a little bow on top, the thigh-high socks the demon was wearing that the demon thick thighs could barely handle y/n sat the demon on his lap and played with the different parts of the demon.
Squishing his thighs fat and watching the jiggly around, y/n hand getting close to the demon crotch with every squeeze, 
Y/n nip on the demon ears then down to his neck biting down, the demon let out little moans and gasps that just made y/n want to fuck and tease this demon more.
Y/n, slowly took off the demon panties, this cock flopping right into y/n hands.
Y/n smirked as he slowly pumped the demon cock going up and down, y/n got close to the demon ear his hot breath hitting his ear 
"I'm going to tease you until you crying out for me to fuck you," y/n whispered in a low tone into the demon ear, y/n felt the demon cock twitched in his hand.

-time skip- 

Y/n had tied the demon up to the bed it hands over its head and its leg spread to the point it hurt, y/n love hearing the gasps, and moans of pain, and pleasure the demon let out.
Y/n looked down at the demon he was not satisfied enough with what he had set up he lend over to the bedside table and opened it and pulled out and a lot of interesting things that made to demon eyes open wide in fear of what was going to happen to him but a voice in the demon head was loving every second of this.
Y/n pour a bit of cold lube onto the demon dick as he puts a cock ring, push it slowly to the demon base. The demon arched back at the small touches of y/n, the demon felt something on his tip, a small silicone beam that had small bumps on it, y/n slowly put in the demon dick. 
It was something it had never felt before, the thing in his dick being to vibrate 
" aha, what the fuck aha is haa that~". The demon moaned out as he bucked his hips up. Y/n ignored the demon and began lubricating a big fat vibrator that he started slowly pumped in the small demon before him, y/n shoved it in all the way, it hit the small demon g-spot, 
" aha ha ah p-please ah aha I aha ca-can't ahaa m-master~." The demon moans out as it bucks itself up and down, fucking itself on the vibrator that was deep inside of him.
Y/n sat back and pick up his phone and being recorded him 
" Give me some more cute moaning, my pathetic slave," Y/n said as he put more lube onto the demon cock and pumped up and down.
The embarrassment of being recorded made the demon cock twitch more, it moans out for his master to let him cum but y/n just wore an evil smile as he teases and tortures his new play toy.
Y/n put his phone down and pumped the demon dick hard, with his other hand his slowly rubbed the demon chest to play with it sensitive nipples, y/n love the noise he was hearing he grab another vibrator from his desk in a little bit of tape he put the vibrators on each on of his nipples and taped them down and put them on the high setting 
Demon begging between moan for y/n to fuck him until he couldn't walk, to make him came so are that he never had to cum again, he begged for y/n mercy.
Y/n snapped he pulled out the vibrator the was inside of the demon and roughly shoved his cock inside of the demon pull out the way out to his tip and shoving his self back in y/n looked down at the demon who was having the time of their life drool dripped from this mouth y/n couldn't help but grab on to the demon neck and started to choke him out as he trusted as fast as he could.
The demon moans desperately out as it tried to breathe 
" you like that don't you god you're such a pathetic slave aren't you just my little bitch." Y/n growled out as he let go of the demon neck and slowly and painfully pulled the silicon beam out of the demon cock pre-cum spill out of the demon cock
" please aha I'll aha ha do a-anything ahaa p-please ah aha l-let me ah cum." The demon desperately moan out, y/n stop all of the stimulation and took off the cock ring and looked down at the demon the desperately buckled up for friction
Y/n undid the demon arm and leg restraints y/n pull out at sat down and looked at the demon 
" If you want to cum so badly, come ride this dick," Y/n said looking the demon right in the eyes.
The demon took a gulp in before slowly putting himself down on y/n cock, it didn't take long until the demon bounces up and down on y/n cock.
Y/n slapped the demon ass and told him to go faster, the demon did as it was told and moved fast.
The demon got sloppy with it movement as it began cumming all over itself and y/n the demon looked down at what it had done and looked at y/n, that same evil smile 
" who said you could cum, oh wait I forgot dumb slave like you never follow the rules here let me help you remember," Y/n said as he pushed the demon back down and turn the vibrator that was on his nipples back on as he violently thrust in the demon 
( blowing his back )
The demon violently came over and over and the feeling of overstimulation filled the demon body, all the demon could do was shut his eyes and moan his heart out.

-time skip- 

Hours of fucking, yelling, moaning, and cumming over and over again, y/n slowly pulled out looking down at the mess he had just made, the demon laid their cum all over its chest and breathing for dear life. Y/n lick the demon chest and cleaned him all off 
" your mine now got it," Y/n said softly to the demon as he continued cleaning him 
" yes." The demon said out loud with his last bit of energy 

"Good." . . . 

     (Hello you kinky bastard and welcome to.    

   In the end, I hope you enjoy it and tell me in the comments if I should make a part 2.

And always remember to stay kink, my friend.)

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