thank you for 1000 reader

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let's see what I can do. I plan to abandon the story to focus on my new one I hope you all enjoyed))

"Y/n do you remember me"? The monster asked the lighty dim room making it hard to see "we miss you." The monster sounded like it was going closer "we have been watching you, we see how hard you work, how you try everyday." The voice sounded like it was right in front of them. The warm feeling of someone wrapping there arms around y/n holding them close "we see how no one has been appreciating you, you deserve so much better." The monster said as it pick y/n up and lay down with them on the bed "I see a bright future for you y/n, don't let anyone stop you." The monster sounding more soft then before. Feeling the warm embrace of another felt like hugging a million feathers, as the monster placed y/n on there lap and held you close placing there head on the monster chest "we are proud of you y/n." The monster whispered as he gave a small kiss to y/n . . .

Thank you all I haven't updated the story since 2017 but seeing how popular it is I might just go back and fix up a few errors of mine I love you all. And peace out you kinky bastards

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