Chapter 17

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A/n: I'm so sorry for the long hiatus, I was traveling for a couple of weeks, then I got sick for a week, and now I'm slightly swamped with summer homework. Updates should be more regular once I'm done :). 

The energies of the stones were quickly becoming more and more entwined, their dome-like structures binding together in the second it took me to recover from the explosion. My right hand, with the stone attached to it by energy, was unwillingly stretched towards it while the rest of my body draped over the edge of the table with the staff. First things first, I thought as I began to wretch my hand away from the staff, trying to at least put some distance between the two. Since the stones both desired to have the second bond with me, I couldn't rely on help from it and basically just had to depend on my strength built from years of training. Standing up, I leaned my entire body weight away from the staff and began to take tiny steps away. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a pair of large hands wrapped around my waist, but it was just Steve, helping me away with his super strength. My mind flashed back to a different pair, which wasn't so gentle and firm, but I couldn't think about the past at the time so I brushed it off and pulled away. 

"I think we have some things to discuss after this is over," he remarked as the fields finally were completely torn apart. I winced, then nodded, thinking of how it must look with my weird reactions to people and especially the staff and Tesseract. He ran off, probably to try and find the origin of the explosion and help to fix it. With my first problem out of the way, I quickly examined my now recked surroundings. A pained, animalistic yell echoed up through a hole in the floor. Oh shit, I thought, the Hulk, Loki's getting exactly what he wants! I have to stop him. 

Rather than go deal with the Hulk, which would only lead to disaster, I decided to search for sources of Loki's control through my powers. Sitting down on the floor, I closed my eyes, slipping my mind into the view of the stone. Everything took on a purple hue, the mind stone next to me lit up blue like a flare. Concentrating on the color of the mind stone, I searched through the helicarrier. With my stone's power, seconds felt like minutes so I wouldn't take too much time and become vulnerable to attack. A slight trace of blue called to me so I grabbed onto it. A group of blue blobby objects moved through the helicarrier, with a little more concentration, the forms of the people under control could be seen blurrily. They were armed and heading further into the helicarrier, most likely to free Loki and take the staff back too. I nearly opened my regular eyes, but noticed another source of blue deeper in the SHIELD base at the last minute. The obvious shape of Loki's cell was clear to me, the blue surrounding him was strange and unfamiliar. Huh, I thought, that's strange, but before I could ponder it further, another explosion rocked the base. 

Quickly opening my eyes, I ran to where Loki was, noting in my head where the strike team he summoned was located last. I couldn't be on the move and use the power stone's vision at the same time because it could be both nauseating and extremely disorienting. I burst into the room containing him, not caring about his usual dramatic antics as he stood presumably to start a long, villainous rant,

"So, you have decided to come straight to me, but unluckily for you, I am only one objective. There are three others you are currently neglecting that could be the keys to my plan." Ignoring him for the most part, I checked the locking mechanism on the door and the safety drop.

"First of all," I answered absentmindedly, "one of your so-called 'objectives' is off-limits to me (the mind stone, obviously). For the second, I'd probably make the situation worse instead of better (the Hulk situation). And the third? Well, I assume they're coming to you." He seemed slightly impressed by this evaluation, but I only picked this up from his minuscule body language and facial expression changes so it could be wrong. 

"You underestimate me, the staff is immensely powerful, they could be bringing it straight to me and you just blew your chance to keep me here," his brow rose in speculation.

"I doubt that," I responded, "If I'd stayed at the staff they would've freed you first and then come to take it from me with your help. With the extra influence of the stone trying its tricks, I couldn't risk it. Now, we're going to wait for however long it takes for your 'buddies' to get here." 

I readied myself for combat, still not taking my eye off of Loki just in case he decided to pull something while my back was turned. The last person I expected to see was Thor bursting into the room. Suddenly, I was thrown to the side, caught completely off guard by my enemy. When my head hit on the side of the metal wall, my vision blurred and pain filled me (although the blast was slightly dulled by my natural shield from the purple stone). While I was preoccupied, Loki tricked Thor, trapping him in the cell and dropping it out of the helicarrier. Worry filled me and my limp hand reached up slightly after him. 

Through my blurry eyes, I observed Loki as he came closer to me. The only things I could clearly make out were his blue eyes. They flickered green for a second as he caressed my face, surprising my addled mind. The blue returned full force as he straightened and left. With him no longer there, my brain couldn't hold on anymore and I fell into unconsciousness. 

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