Chapter 22

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"Everyone!" I yelled so my earpiece could pick it up past the interference, "I think I can close this portal and end this thing!" Exclamations of relief could be heard, then Tony chimed in.

"Sorry guys, this isn't over yet. The Council decided to send a nuke over to obliterate New York."

Okay. Now that was a real shocker. As if we didn't have enough to deal with already! 

"Those absolute total dickheads!" I cursed, "Tony are you tracking it or what?"
"I've got it. I have a plan, keep the portal open just a little bit longer Ms. Sparkles" Even without seeing his face I could tell he was winking.

"Tony, this shit better not be a suicide mission. Otherwise, I'll kill you myself. I am not losing you today." 

Tony stayed silent. Ah shit. "Tony I swear to the gods."

He continued to keep quiet for once in his life. "Fine. Stay silent. Or don't. Because I actually have a better plan than your obvious one to take the missile up and not come back from it. Bring it to me. I've got this."

He thought it over, then replied, "Okay, if you say so Twinkle Toes."

I rolled my eyes at the comment but didn't say anything. I had enough on my plate to deal with already. It would probably take Tony a couple of minutes to get there with the missile, so I had a second to figure this out. While all of this was happening, the Tesseract obviously used this as an opportunity to attach to me even more with its energy. In the little time that I had, I knew that this was a situation that I would have to make concessions for. Sacrifice was unavoidable. We couldn't win without losing something. So, I gave in to my fate. Better find out what happens here than let Tony die. Better me than them. 

With a deep breath in, I reached slowly forward. And wrapped my hands around the Tesseract...


This is familiar. The feeling of deja vu. I have felt this before.

My body was gone. Well, not really. But I certainly was not occupying it. No one was. It was as if time had stopped. The only things that existed were me, my power stone, and the space stone. I have done this before, but that does not mean that it was a great experience. Back then, I was so vulnerable. Emotionally. Physically. I was a wreck. For good reason though. When your father is a terrible, powerful being, and happens to be super abusive, you do not have the best mental state. I honestly still have not fully recovered. Maybe I never will. Anyways. The only experience that I can compare to this is the first time this happened. When the power stone and I bonded.

It's something that changes your life. Changes your soul, your being. When a stone chooses you, it molds you into exactly what it wants. When it chooses someone, they must be perfect for it. Or at least nearly so. They are very picky. The person becomes a conduit for the power of the stone. It does not erase who you are, but you notice things that change. The thing that changes the most though is your level of power. 

Having a stone is like being hooked up directly to the greatest power of the Universe. It can be almost addicting. The stone wants you to be addicted too. It cannot get rid of your soul, or your personality, but since it is not human it does not listen to the morality we have created. It does not care. It can't. So it can be something that is very tricky to deal with. You must be very careful. It is like dealing with a god. Not as in Loki or Thor, but the concept of deities. The stone only tries to do what it wants to do, trying to achieve its goals above everything else. It is almost like being in a symbiotic relationship. One that you attempt to maintain as mutualistic as much as you can, but it can sometimes creep into the parasitic style. The stone keeps you alive above everything though. And if it takes a liking to you, then it will let you use its power. 

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