Chapter 23

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Now, my mark on the world continues to get bigger. Here we are, back in the present. So, I was in what felt like another world with the Tesseract. Only the three of us existed, the three being me, the space stone, and my power stone. I looked to my stone for support, and what I felt was a satisfied energy from it. But it was also tentative about it, it is extremely protective of me as its host. Giving me more power is better, but having to share? It does not like that. So I felt a sort of push and pull. But the both of us knew that this was my only option (at least the only one that I knew of). 

I moved forwards and finally fully embraced the energy of the space stone. This time, I was fully conscious. it was like a soft embrace at first, but then I started to feel the beginnings of the massive amount of power I was being exposed to. Then, my vision fully stopped. It felt like I was in a sensory deprivation chamber. I was floating in nothingness. I tried to just relax, although it did freak me out a little bit. I stretched into a relaxed starfish position and resigned to waiting. A small light, light a pinpoint, lit up in the distance. As soon as the first appeared, it was like a chain reaction. Lights popped up everywhere through the darkness. I finally realized what I was witnessing. The abyss of space. More and more were painted across the sky. It was absolutely breathtaking. 

I basked in the beauty of it for what felt like hours. Then something came towards me. It was the stone, but it was huge, made up of pure space itself. I was completely stunned. It was coming towards me fast, and once again, I embraced it. 


I had no physical body. I was gone. The stone and I were one. I was space itself. For a while, I existed like that. Then I felt myself start to become one again. The stars of blue packed together and formed my body again, and I became me.

Then, I left that ethereal space, and I was back in reality. Everything rushed back to me in an instant. The portal, the Chitauri, Loki, everything. I was bonded again, this I knew deep in my soul. The space stone (finally back in its original form rather than the cube) was on my left hand, and the power stone on my right. I felt absolutely unstoppable. The power ran through my veins.  I finally felt ready to end this. Tony's signature red suit shone in the distance, the distinctive dark silhouette of the nuke above him. I faced him, ready. Still aware of the crisis of the people in the city, I also had to split my concentration, trying to fight the Chitauri with my energy too.

"Tony!" I yelled into the comms and sent a ray of sapphire light upwards with both hands, like a flare gun. He redirected and started towards me. 

I was nervous. I mean, the fate of Manhattan Island was in my hands alone. It's a nervewracking thing. But I did not have room in that moment for nerves. Any errors and I would doom all of us. So I suppressed my emotions completely, readying myself for this Herculean task. 

Tony was nearly to me when I caught a glimpse of a huge ship through the giant hole in the sky. The only thing that could go through my mind was, Oh my gods. I couldn't even let myself be shocked for a moment, quickly concentrating on catching the missile from Tony. As I took it from him, he immediately flew off to go help with damage control and fighting the aliens, trusting me completely with this. The missile had an engine of some sort to keep it directed on its target, but it was no match for me. I pushed it up, forcing it to the portal instead of our city. 

Within a few seconds it entered the portal and coasted, gaining speed and approaching the enormous ship in the sky. Without moving my hands I used my powers to activate my comms link. 

"Anyone need anything before I close this thing and end this shit?"

"No!" yelled Tony.

"Close it for goodness sake!" sighed Natasha.

I shrugged (as if they could see that) and lifted my hands, imagining grabbing the edges of the portal and forcing it to close. It was almost effortless, I nearly gaped at how easy it was compared to the last time I tried. With a final wink, the portal closed for good. Then, all of the Chitauri collapsed all at once. I wasn't sure whether this was due to the portal severing the connection or their ship possibly exploding from the nuke, but I sure as Hel wasn't complaining. Who questions good fortune ammiright? 

Then, I realized that I had completely forgotten about Loki. I know, it seems impossible, but I was busy doing world saving stuff okay! Leave me alone. Tentatively linking to my communicator, I asked, 

"Umm hey, quick question. Anyone know what happened to Loki?" They laughed at me so hard after that, the only thing I could do was pout indignantly.

"I took care of it Space Princess, don't get your panties in a twist" Tony managed through his chuckles.

"Yeah, you can't do everything Y/n, we could handle at least that," joked Natasha.

I pouted some more and crossed my arms like a small angry child,

"You guys are the worst!" Then, I tapped into stonevision (through the eyes of the stone, which was now sapphire as well) and found their signature silhouettes, which were below me in the tower. I do not have time for travel, I thought, and decided to open a portal (been awhile since she used this power right lmao). I ripped into the air and waltzed right into Tony Stark's bar room. There was a crater in the room where Loki lay, beat to a pulp it seemed. The rest of the Avengers surrounded him, weapons still fully raised. 

"Anyone up for schwarma after this?"

I rolled my eyes at Tony's comment and walked past them, right up to where Loki lay. His gaze was full of anger, the staff barely a foot away from his grip. It seemed he was too injured to move to it. I stayed away from it, using my foot to shove it towards the avengers by the staff. I bent down and got closer to him, our faces inches away. I could not recognize this person. His electric blue eyes and anger completely strangers to me. So, I took my newfound power, and dove right in to his mind...


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