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Consciousness finally returned to me when the sun's glaring rays peeked through my eyelids. I shot up off the ground, clenching my fists as I remembered what had happened. I currently stood in the crater of the old Shield building. Despite my aching and battered body, I stood, trekking my way up and away from the center of the destruction. 

I stumbled out over the final ledge and turned back to assess the ruination. Everything was gone. To be expected when you mess with... Well.  I reached up to my comms to try and contact Fury and realized that the metal piece was gone. Probably left in the wreckage of the base. Nothing can go right for me today it seems. And the adrenaline was completely gone so I was beginning to feel the true extent of my injuries. Something was definitely wrong with my ribs. I pushed a hand to my side, clutching it tightly to try and alleviate the discomfort as much as possible.

There was... one last resort. I didn't want to admit defeat, but my ribs twinged again, reminding me of my terrible circumstances. So I held my breath and reached towards my jacket pocket, hoping and praying that my phone wasn't lost to the ruins like my ear piece was. As I dialed the number, I lifted up my shirt to assess the damage. Purple bruises covered my torso. Fuck. This is bad. Really bad. My head began to ache and my knees swayed, not at the sight of my body, but in pain. As I heard the familiar voice greeting me, I couldn't help falling to my knees, thunking to the ground, and meeting darkness once again.


Beep. Beep. Beep. A heart monitor showed the green spikes of a heartbeat. My hearbeat. My vision began to clear as I blinked away the cloudiness that a bunch of bodily trauma and passing out can do to you. As my vision cleared completely, I looked up to see Tony Stark leaning right over me. 

"Hi Tony," I greeted and reached over to take out the uncomfortable IV he had stuck in my arm. He grabbed my hand out of the air. 

"We can't have you doing that princess." I rolled my eyes,

"Don't call me princess asshole" 

"Oooo, look who's calling names now." I rolled my eyes again and settled back down onto the hospital bed, wincing at my ribs. 

"Bruised, I assume," I said gesturing at my torso.

"Wrong, actually, broken." I made a face and made a grabbing motion at the clipboard at the end of the bed. 

"If I'm going to be here for the rest of the day, I might as well make you do everything for me." 

"And what makes you think that it will take that short of a time for you to be out of here? Last I checked you had internal bleeding and a slight concussion, as well as just about a million scrapes." I made an exasperated face at him,

"You know how fast I heal, Stark." He shook his head. 

"You asgardians are so cocky, it's unbelievable."

"I'm not going to comment on your narcissism Tony, and what do you mean by 'you asgardians?' I'm the ony one who has been here for years." 

"Wrong again princess, you're not the only Asgardian here right now." I shot up out of my bed, ignoring my ribs' protests. 

"Who? Where? How do you know they are Asgardian?" 

"Because he is, as he says, the so called 'God of Thunder'" I gasped and stood up completely, once again ignoring the pain in my ribs and the rest of my body. 

"Thor? Take me to him immediately!" Oh, maybe standing while my ribs are still broken is not  good idea. I quietly gasped in pain and clutched at my side as subtly as I could. 

"No can do, princess, you're still healing." Damn. I hated that he was right. Standing was the most pain I've been in for a while. I half laid, half collapsed back onto the bed and sighed again,

"I hate being hurt." 

"Says the magic, indestructible princess." I laughed in response, although, I tried to muffle it so that I wouldn't boost Tony's ego any more than it already was. 

"Tony, I would really appreciate it if you would bring Thor to me." My Asgardian accent crept involuntarily into my voice and I cleared my throat to try and cover it up. Over the years I'd gotten quite good at covering up my accent so that people wouldn't notice me as much, but I sometimes slipped back into it whenever Asgard came up. Tony left the room, grumbling slightly at how he had to to everything for me. Tony and I are really like siblings, snipping at each other all the time, but at the same time being super protective of each other. I love the guy. And I knew he'd help me. There's a reason he was the first I called and one of my emergency contacts. 

As the minutes passed I started to think about Thor. Last time he was here he had been banished by Odin, and I knew he had learned his lesson about that. So what is he doing here? 

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