When Your Water Breaks (After 9 Months)

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You are watching Kai and the others train. You sit outside in the sun, waiting for them to finish training.

You stand up and begin to walk into the monastery but feel something warm run down your legs, you begin to panic

"Uh, Kai!!" You scream, trying not to fall over

"Yes Y/N?" Kai asks and turns to you

"Y/N!!" Cole screams, everyone rushes over to you

"What's wrong with her?" Lloyd asks

"Her water has broken" Zane explains

"We need to get her to the hospital" Kai looks worriedly to you

"That's a great idea!! Let's go!!" You scream. The guys tell Sensei and you get into the Ultra Sonic Radiar.

Kai races you to the hospital and carries you inside. The nurses take you into a room, Kai follows, still worried.


Your in the kitchen with Zane, helping him cook lunch. Your at the oven, stirring the stew

"How is the stew doing Y/N?" Zane asks

"Very good, it will be-{gasp}!!" You gasp as a warm liquid runs down your legs

"Y/N?!" Zane rushes over to you, turning the stove off in the process

"Z-Zane, my water broke-ah!" You start to feel pain

"Y/N, come on we are going to the hospital" Zane says and picks you up

"Zane, what happened to Y/N?" Kai asks

"Her water has broken brother" Zane says quite calmly

"Get to the hospital!" Cole yells

"I agree with Cole!!" You scream

Zane rushes you to the hospital, the guys close behind. The nurses take you into a room and Zane follows.


You and Lloyd are in your room reading comics. You put your comic down and start to stand up, when you try to stand a warm liquid runs down your legs. Lloyd looks to you

"Lloyd! My water broke!" You scream

"What?!" He panics

"Lloyd, honey, calm down and GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL!!!" You scream at your panicking husband

"I'm calm, lets go" he hyperventilates and picks you up

"Oh gosh, get her to the hospital Lloyd" Kai says as Lloyd carries you by them

"That's what I'm doing!!" Lloyd screams.

The guys follow you and Lloyd to the hospital. The nurses take you into a room and Lloyd follows, still in a panic.


You and Cole are in the indoor training room, he's dancing while you watch. Your swaying along to the music, he walks up to you

"Are you sure you can't dance?" Cole asks

"Yes I'm-ah!!" You scream as warm liquid runs down your legs

"Y/N?... Y/N?! What happened?!" Cole asks

"M-my water broke-ah!" You start to feel pain

"Let's go!!" He tells and picks you up

"Cole where are you going?" Jay asks as he walks past the guys with you in his arms

"To the hospital! Y/N's having the baby!!" Cole yells, the guys jump up

"What?!" Kai asks

"Cole let's go!!" You scream in pain. Cole rushes to the hospital, the guys following closely behind.

Cole follows the nurses when they take you into a room.


Your sitting on Jay's desk while he works on an invention. You hop off the desk and as your feet hit the floor warm liquid runs down your legs

"Uh... J-Jay..." you stutter

"Yes love?" He prompts and turns to you

"The... the baby's coming...." you say, looking to the puddle on the floor

"What?!?" Jay panics and you scream in pain

"Jay... The baby's coming!!!" You scream

"O-okay, lets get to the hospital" Jay says and picks you up bridal style. The others follow to the hospital without question. The nurses take you into a room and Jay follows.

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