Baby Crazy

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Thank you monkey102402 for this request!!

P.S. I will be waiting for a while before you get married, sorry for any inconvenience!



You and Kai are walking around the fountain in the park. You've been here for a couple hours, talking and fooling around. You see Kai looking somewhere, you follow his gaze and see a pregnant red-headed woman holding a little baby boy. You recognize her right away, she's your fathers friend

"Kai, lets go say hi" you say and pull him over

She sees you and hugs you "Y/N, honey, it's been forever!" She exclaims

"Ya, it has. So, what's his name?" You ask

"His name is Quint, would you like to hold him?" She says and looks to you

"Could I?" You say and hold your arms out

"Of course hon" she says and hands you Quint. You cradle him gently, he looks up at you with his bright blue eyes, Kai puts his arm around your shoulders

"They're so cute and innocent" Kai says and Quint looks to Kai, when he does he giggles

"Do you wanna hold him" you ask Kai

"Ya, sure" he answers and you hand Quint to Kai

"So, when's the baby's due date" you ask

"In three months" she smiles

"Is it a girl?!" You ask hopefully

"Yes, I plan on naming her Maria" she says and rubs her tummy. You and Kai laugh and talk with her for a while, having fun playing with Quint and talking about how cute baby's are.


You and Zane are out at the park, you said you'd meet your mother here. You look for her and when you finally see her she is sitting with a brunette holding a blonde little girl on her lap.

You and Zane walk over "hello mother, I am happy to see you again" you say and she stands up to hug you, you hug her back

"Hi Y/N, hello Zane. Y/N, you remember my sister, Alisha" she says and motions to the woman

"Yes, I remember her" you say and hug the other woman

"Y/N, it's been to long my dear" she says and the little girl on her lap giggles

"Who is this" Zane asks and looks at the little girl

"This is Lilia, would you like to hold her Zane" Alisha asks

"I would love to hold her" he says and takes Lilia from Alisha

Lilia giggles and plays with Zane's ninja kimono. Zane smiles and looks at the cute little girl with soft eyes

"Aw Zane {giggle} I think she likes you" you say and kiss his cheek

"Yes, she is amazing, I cannot wait until we have one of our own" he says and looks to you with a sweet smile, you blush a little and reply

"Yes, it will be an adventure".


You and Lloyd are visiting your parents monastery. They don't have baby's here, but some of the kids are young still, the youngest is 5 or 6.

You and Lloyd are outside playing with the kids while your parents, Garmadon and Misako supervise. Lloyd looks like he's having fun, and you are too. You, Lloyd and all of the kids are playing tag

Ninjago one shots//Boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now