When your in Labor

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The doctors are running around and looking at various machines while you lay on the medical table in a little pain as you hold Kai's hand

"Mrs. Flamey, on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is your pain?" One nurse asks

"Six-ah!!!" You get cut off by a burst of pain

"Okay, on three push" the doctor tells you

"One, two, three!" You push as hard as you can, squeezing Kai's hand as hard as you can

"Y/N! My hand!" Kai whimpers

"Shut up Kai!!" You scream again

"One more big push!" The doctor says. The pain becomes unbearable as you push one last time, squeezing Kai's hand so hard that your fingers go numb.


The doctors rush around the room, hocking you up to machines and getting an incubator ready for the baby

"Y/N, are you okay?" Zane asks

"Zane, it hurts!!" You scream

"Mrs. Julien, how bad is your pain?" A small nurse asks you

"Seven!-ah!!!!" You scream out in pain again

"Y/N, you can do it" Zane supports you. He gives you his hand and you squeeze it, he doesn't complain though

"Thank you Za-ah!!" You get cut off by another nurse of pain

"Okay, push Mrs. Julien! Push!" The doctor instructs. You push as hard as you can

"One more big push!" And with that the pain gets worse, you push and squeeze Zanes hand hard.


Lloyd is still panicking as the doctors prepare you for birth

"Y/N, are you okay? Does it hurt" He asks worriedly

"Yes it hurts you idio-ah!!" You scream and grab his arm, digging your nails into his skin

"Mrs. Garmadon, how bad is the pain?" A male nurse asks you

"Uh, 8?" You scream again

"8?! That's bad right?!" Lloyd panics

"Yes-ah!! Get this thing out of me!!!!" You scream in pain

"Okay, push!" The doctor instructs. You push and squish Lloyd's arm

"Ow! Y/N!" Lloyd yells

"Lloyd if you don't-ah!!!!" You can finish your sentence before the doctor is telling you to push again. You push, still holding onto Lloyds arm.


The doctors are asking questions and hooking you up to many different machines

"On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad would you say your pain is Mrs. Brookstone?" One nurse asks

"Probably about a 4" you say, trying not to over exaggerate. The nurse rushes off to a doctor, that's when the pain hits you

"Okay, a 7!!! At least a 7!!!" You scream and look to Cole

"Y/N, calm down" Cole says

"Don't tell me to calm down!!!!" You scream as the doctors rush over to you

"Mrs. Brookstone, I need you to push as hard as you can" one says and you nod. You begin to push, Cole holding your shoulders as you do

"One more big push!" A nurse says. You push one last time, gasping for air.


Jay is panicking as the doctors rush around, hocking you up to machines and looking at the readings

"Is she gonna be okay? She'll be okay right? I can't raise this kid on my own!!" Jay freaks out

"Mr. Walker, if you can't calm down your going to have to wait in the hall" a nurse tells him

"I-I'm calm...." he hyperventilates

"Jay, dear, I'm going to be fine-ah!!!!" You scream as the pain hits

"Mrs. Walker, how bad is your pain?" A nurse asks

"Uh, right now, an 8..." you breathe

"An 8?!!!!" Jay panics again

"Jay!! Calm down!!!!" You scream

"Push Mrs. Walker!!" The doctor instructs. You do as your told and push as hard as you can, as Jay continues to panic beside you

"One more big push!" You scream and push as hard as you can.

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