Your first kiss

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Kai wouldn't let you go back to your house so you went to your best friends house.

~In the morning~

"C'mon Y/N! we've gotta go to school!" your friend pulls you out of your cocoon of blankets on the floor

"Ok I'm up" you say and get out of your pjs, you and B/F/N get your school uniform on: navy blue tank top, dark red blazer, dark red and navy blue plaid skirt, knee socks and short high heels.

B/F/N curls yourH/L H/C hair and straightens her hair. Her mom drives you two to school and your off to Math class.

The bell rings, signalling the end of first period. You walk down the hall but see the recognizable red ninja kimono and spiked hair of Kai. He turns to you and smiles, you rush up to him and grab his arm.

You pull him, getting lots of 'ooh's one girl even calls "who's that Y/N? A new boy toy?" The whole hallway laughs "shut up!" you yell and pull Kai into the janitors closet, you lock the door too.

"What are you doing here Kai!?" you yell

"I came to make shure that you where ok" he says, looking you up and down. you realize that your in your school uniform

"Well I'm fine, you can go now" you say and point to the door

"Nah, I don't think we're done here" he says and walks closer to you, eventually backing you into the locked door

"Kai..... what are you-" you begin but are cut off by his lips pressing against yours. At first you panic but soon feel yourself melting into the kiss. Your arms find a way around his neck and you feel him smirk into the kiss. He puts his hands on the sides of your waist.

You can try to deny it all you want. But you come to the realization that; you might just have feelings for the fire ninja.


After Zane's surprise with telling you he was a ninja, you two had become closer than ever. And you even told your mother that he was like you.

You walk in Ninjago Central Park, while your mother is at the grocery store.

"Help!!! Fire in the grocery store!" one of the employees yells and runs through the park. You gasp and start running towards the crumbling grocery store, smoke coming out of everywhere.

You start to push the door open to get inside and despite the screaming of the people around you, you run inside.

The smoke is so thick you can barley see, even with your illuma vision turned on. people run to you and you point them to the door

"Mother!! Mother!!!" you scream but get no reply

"Y/N!" you hear a familiar voice

"Zane?!" you turn to him

"Y/N! you must get out of here! Now!" he yells

"No! Zane my mother is in here somewhere!" you yell

"I will find her. But I need you to get to safety" he says

"But Zane, what if you get hurt" you ask but you don't get a response. Instead Zane pushes his lips to yours. He releases you and cups your face in his hands.

"Go" is the last thing he says before letting you go. You reluctantly run out of the store.

You stand by the fire trucks and medics, just waiting for Zane and your mother to come out. You could have been waiting for minutes or hours, but all you know is that it feels like years.

Ninjago one shots//Boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now