Your Date

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You get into your outfit and look in the mirror, just as you hear your mother pound on your door

"Y/N!!!! Open this door!" she yells and continues to pound on the door

"No! I told you that your not aloud in here anymore!" you yell through the door and clench your fists, remembering what she did to you the last time she was in your room

"It's my house Y/N! I am aloud where ever in it I want!!" she yells and bursts in the door.

You hop out the window and down the fire escape, you know how much trouble your going to get in, but you will not let anything ruin your night. You meet Kai on the ground

"You look amazing. And good job coming down the ladder, by the way" he says and kisses your cheek

"Thanks, you look pretty amazing your self" you giggle. He is wearing a black tux with a red tie

"Thanks, I try" he says and runs his hand through his hair

~time skip to after dinner (do you really want me to tell you about how you two eat?)~

As you and Kai walk down the sidewalk, he suddenly disappears

"Kai..... Kai!" you call look around frantically

"Over here...." you hear him whisper

You rush to the sound and find him standing in a dark alleyway, leaning against the back wall. You walk up to him

"Ok, what was that about" you ask and look into his eyes, it almost looks like he has a tint of mischief in his eyes. He pulls you into him and pushes your back into the wall.

"Sorry if I scared you" he says and presses his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, deepening the kiss. You two stay in that alleyway for a long time. (I'll leave the rest up to you and your imagination)


Your mother helps you with your hair and makeup, and even though you researched how to do your makeup, you still couldn't do it by yourself.

She finishes just as there's a knock on the front door, you walk to the front door and open it. Zane is wearing a white tux with a grey tie.

"Good evening Y/N, you look stunning tonight" he says and you feel your cheeks grow warm, but your not quite shure why

"Thank you Zane, you look very handsome yourself" you say and walk into the cold night air

"Have fun!" your mother calls as you get onto the back of the motorcycle he had parked in front of your house.

You two ride into the middle of a snowy forest and he comes to a stop in front of a big tree.

You walk into the tree, hand in hand with Zane. Inside the tree is decorated with beautiful lights, and when you get down all the stairs there is a gourmet dinner. You walk down the stairs and look up in awe

"Zane, did you do all of this" you ask and look to him

"Yes indeed. My brothers helped me with the decorations" he says and you walk too him

(A/N: Zane is not being cheep. I just thought that it would be cute to have him make you dinner, you know with his amazing cooking skills and everything. Besides, I couldn't have Cole cook you dinner...... He probably would have killed you)

"Nobody has ever done anything like this for me Zane" you say and look into his black eyes

"Well you deserve it Y/N. You are the most outstanding girl I have ever met" he says and kisses you

Ninjago one shots//Boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now