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Catherine's POV
1 Month Later

"Sadly, it seems as if our lovely couple Billionaire Alejandro Vincento and Miss Catherine Taylor has no plans about getting back together, and as much as it pains us all, we all know it's for the best...."

Sam switch off the television before continuing serving her customers.

It's been a month since everything had happen, Alejandro broke off everything and ended up lying again to the media that we broke up because of his parents disapproval, I mean, he isn't wrong.

Sam and I now own our own small cafe 'Enchantè. Which I had financed with my huge salary from that bastard. Surprisingly, life was okay. Swarms of paparazzi stopped since the first two weeks and business was blooming. I mean, who wouldn't come to an ex billionaire's fiancé business.

I knew I would've. In fact I would've been at the front of the line, just so I could get a glimpse. So I didn't blame anyone, for trying to pry their noses into my life, besides it was benefitting me.

"Uhmm, over here!" A customer frantically trashed her hands above her head, in order to gain my attention.

"Ohh, a minute," I jumped from the stool that sat behind the cash register, dragging my feet up to their table, "Your order please,"

"I'll have a chocolate cappuccino with a side of lemon tarlet, and my friend here..."

"A double expresso with chocolate hazelnut cake, thank you," her friend interrupted her.

"Okay, " I nod with a smile, quickly scribbling their orders onto my notepad.

Smiles were returned before I turned on my heel walking towards the Rose, the Barista, but not before hearing their hushed whispers, "No wonder he left her, she's plain looking,"

Shutting my eyes tightly, I pretended not to hear and went along my way.

Quite frankly, I was used to their judgemental stares and harsh words, it's been a month, and plus it's not like I was not use to such behavior, it's okay, I'm everyone's punching bag.

After a few minutes their orders were presented before me on a platter, thanking Rose, I took them up, retreating back into the lion's den.

"Your orders,"

"May I ask a question?" Blonde on the right asked, looking at me, completely ignoring her pastries. Something tells me that they're not here for the food.

"You're already asking, so go ahead,"

Blonde on the left flashed a sly smile before asking, faking curiosity, "How did you seduce a man like that?"

I looked at Sam, who cast a concerning glance at me. I shook my head dismissing her interjection.

"Huh? Go ahead, and answer her," left blonde bitch added, "What sorcery did you bewitched on him, that he'll look at a plain bitch like yourself and decided that he's gonna marry you?!"

"Did you blackmail him?"

He blackmailed me!!

"Threaten him with something from his background?"

He's the one who threatened me with something from my background!!

Closing my eyes, I bit my tongue, holding back my words, wanting to be the bigger person for the first time, and deciding to walk away, but,

"No way, are you a mute? Don't you talk? Or did his parents beat dear dignity out of you already?" The other added.

Pettiness is a thing that never seems to leave me alone.

"Shut up," I gritted under my breath.

"What?" The both chorused, gaining the attention of the other customers present in the cafe.

"I said to shut your goddamned mouth or else I'll shut it for you!" This time I raised my voice. They looked at me wide eyed.

Obviously everyone thinks that I'm a pushover, since I decided to stay silent and let everything boiled over.

Little do they know huh?

"Dear haters," I begin looking at them both, "I'm flattered that im always a trending topic in your life, but what can I do, once you're a threat, you'll always be a target. If you came here because you're butthurt that a billionaire didn't take interest in you, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn, however what I do care about is my place of business, now, I want you to pay for the things you ordered and get you're snoby asses out of my freaking cafe!!"

Tossing the money on the table, the left blonde stand up shouting, "You bitch!"

"Takes one to know one dear, and thanks a lot for your participation," I smiled taking up the money and walking away, "you even left a tip how kind of you!!"

With muffled screams, they stomped out, leaving me apologizing to the rest of people in the shop.

Walking back to the cash register, I place the money in, closing it then sit on the stool laying my head down to rest.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked, she studied me with her eyes. Giving a stressed smile I nod my head, she rubbed my hands in a way to show comfort, and I gladly took it.

The cafe doors open again, the bell chiming, alerting the arrival of the new customer.

I looked up at him, he looked so familiar, Sam excused herself to serve the rest of her customers, the man, dressed in a cotton made shirt, plain pants and a leather jacket, reaching his knee walked up to meet me at the cash register.

"Umm you can take a seat sir!" I gestered to the empty seats.

"No. I'm here to speak with you, on behave of Master Alejandro," he answered.

I rolled my eyes, it was uncontrollable, I knew he looked familiar, he's one of the butlers at Vincento's mansion.

"Go away," I let out calmly.

"I earge you to listen to my claims, Ms. Taylor!" He persisted.

"I dont want to hear anything from that low lying bastard Alejandro or you, who works for him!"

"Ohh, I think you're gonna wanna hear, this is a very important and urgent matter, "

"I don't care!" I snapped.

"It's concerning your family," he once again added, looking at me calmly.

"My family is dead,"

"The ones that are alive madam,"

My eyes widen, "No way!"

He nod his head slowly, "Yes, you're aunt and uncle are currently at Master Alejandro's mansion, you are desperately needed!"

Jesus Christ!!

When will I ever catch a break!


So for those who are asking. Yes I did die. But I came back because I felt bad. Expect another update soon. Thank you for reading.

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